Which breed?

    • Bronze

    Which breed?

    Hi...I just joined this forum this morning and am looking for another small companion.  I just lost my lil buddy 2 days ago, he was a miniature dachshund that just turned 4 in June.  I'm lost without him.  Ok well i'm looking for another dog but I don't want to do the dachshund breed again.  I can't deal w/the back issue again.  I do LOVE the breed tho.  I'm looking for a very loyal family dog.  I liked how peanut ws a good watch dog so i'm looking for a dog that will give a warning bark.  I have a ranch home on a half acre lot, I'm in the country so space isn't a factor. 
    Thanks in advance...can't wait to hear some responses
    • Gold Top Dog
    a min pin would probably be ideal. the people living across from us have one (we live in the country too) this dog gives a good alarm bark. she watches everyone's property... she will see something funky going on and start barking, which of course sets off a barking chain reaction with our own dogs..

    any breed can be a watch dog, including mixes. do you know if you want a pure bred or would you consider adopting?
    the decision is totally up to you, but dont forget to have a look at the needful eyes in the local shelter first.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Min pins can be a bit active for some people though.  just to keep in mind. 
    I agree about looking at the local shelter for a dog first if you are just looking for a good companion.  There's a ton of good companions at the shelter just waiting for homes.  Also, if you do have a specific breed in mind, you could try a breed specific rescue as well as a breeder.
    Are you interested in another small breed or something bigger?  How about activity level and grooming requirements?  Many small breeds make good watchdogs and give warning barks. 
    I love dachshunds, they're great dogs.  So sorry to hear about your friend. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I second (or third) the fact that almost any dog can be a watch dog. Have you tried the dog breed selectors on the Internet? They're not perfect, but they can help you narrow down your choices to several breeds then you could contact a rescue or go to a shelter and get a mix with your chosen breed.  Google "dog breed selector" and take a few quizzes to get more of an idea. :)

    I'm sorry about your loss. :(
    • Puppy
    If you are looking for a mellower dog, consider a large breed and older dog. especially since space is not a factor for you. My husband and I went to a Lab rescue and my husband chose the dog that came out, sniffed us once, then went and laid down. We adopted him and he is the gentlest, most loyal and loving dog ever. He is 3/4 chocolate lab and 1/4 mastiff, weighs about 100 pounds and now that everyone in town has seen him, no one is going to break into my house. LOL Dino's a big wimp but he would protect me if he had to.

    • Bronze
    thanks for all the responses.  I was actually thinking about a miniature pinscher but i heard they could be "mean".  Is that true?  I guess it's all in the way they're raised.  I would prefer a puppy...I just feel closer to a dog that I raised.  My bf and I have recently rescued a boxer mix (Dino) from the local shelter.  I'd rather not have a dog that needs to get it's fur clipped but I wouldn't mind brushing.
    • Gold Top Dog
    min pins can be snappy if they feel threatened by strangers... that has been my experience anyway. but again that might be training issues and not breed type.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Min Pins can definitely be feisty, but no more than Dachshunds.
    • Gold Top Dog
    You don't mention what size you're interested in.  If you're looking at small dogs,how about a Boston terrier or Fox terrier?
    • Bronze
    Yeah my ;parents dachshund was pretty snappy but peanut wouldn't hurt a fly.  Total opposites.  Yeah I'm looking for a small dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hi...I just joined this forum this morning and am looking for another small companion. I just lost my lil buddy 2 days ago, he was a miniature dachshund that just turned 4 in June. I'm lost without him. Ok well i'm looking for another dog but I don't want to do the dachshund breed again. I can't deal w/the back issue again. I do LOVE the breed tho.

    My mom had a beagle/dach cross for many,  many years.  Never had any back problems.  Perhaps a visit to your local animal shelter or some time on Petfinder is in order.  good luck