Serious question

    • Silver

    Serious question

    Hello everyone! I have a rottweiler, as many of you already know... It's male, un-trained, 2 year old rottweiler his name is "REX"... So my story is: when ever anyone asks me, "is your rottweiler pure-breed?" I always answer, "Yes it's 100% pure-breed" [:)] But I'll open a little sikret to yall... "It's not 100% pure-breed" and my question is: Please give me some advices, with wich else breed is my rottweiler mixed??? or is it 100% pure-breed indeed?!?! Please live your advices, I'll read all of it and i'll try to answer if you have a question about my REX, oh - yeah! I left 3 pictures of my dog.. 1st pic is how he looks now days, 2nd it was taken when he was 8 months old and the 3rd is when he was a puppy about in 3.5 Months... please help me guys, maybe HE IS 100% pure-breed... I believe in you! Thank you.. Nusrat Yaminov specially for you, from Russia, Moscow.. [;)]

    • Gold Top Dog
    he looks pure bred to me
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: DumDog

    he looks pure bred to me

    Me, too.
    • Gold Top Dog
    he looks pure to me but if he isnt it might be a little tiny bit of lab in him!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm voting pure bred.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks purebred to me also.
    • Silver
    Everyone, thank you!!! mr. maggiemae101 - what do you mean by "lab"? If labrador, than it can't be little of lab, because there no labz in Russia.. very less I've seen a real live labrador in my life only once... so it can't be lab.. anyways.. thank you!!! now I know that my dog is 100% a Rottweiler =)
    • Bronze
    His legs look kind of different than a pure breeds to me. just saying but I don't know the breed that well.
    • Silver
    Dear Sarah_luvs_Setters,

    Thank you, but wich breed's legs does his look like, what do you think?!

    Thank you for your response!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Whatever he is, he's such a handsome boy!  I was admiring your avatar picture a day or so ago too. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: rottweiler4life

    Everyone, thank you!!! mr. maggiemae101 - what do you mean by "lab"? If labrador, than it can't be little of lab, because there no labz in Russia.. very less I've seen a real live labrador in my life only once... so it can't be lab.. anyways.. thank you!!! now I know that my dog is 100% a Rottweiler =)

    I am a girl. and I was just trying to help[sm=cry.gif] I said he did look pure bred.
    • Bronze
    Hes gorgeous! I love Rotts. Here is a photo of a purebred. They look the same to me!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow he is HUGE!
    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: rottweiler4life

    Dear Sarah_luvs_Setters,

    Thank you, but wich breed's legs does his look like, what do you think?!

    Thank you for your response!

    I'm not sure what I was thinking. It was late and I was tired. I guess it was just the way he was sitting in that picture. Anyway now that I see your dog compared to a purebreed he looks purebreed to me! However you never can know for sure.... or can you? <== thats a serious question
    • Gold Top Dog
    If labrador, than it can't be little of lab, because there no labz in Russia..

    Wow! I didn't know that. They are the most popular dog in this country.