Miniature Pinschers

    • Gold Top Dog

    Miniature Pinschers

    Can someone tell me everything they know about the breed lol my mom says she want one so i wanna research for her and stuff so we know about them.
    • Gold Top Dog
    the lady across the street has one. we all call her the yard shark... she will bite you if you turn your back.. but i think that has more to do with no training than the breed. they're terriers. they have terrier attitudes as well, this one across the street actually tried to pick a fight with my bulldog and shepherd.. came across the road, stood in our drive way and started talking smack to them.. [8|]
    i dont know anything about health though..

    there is a lady in this forum that has show min pins, she could tell you more [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    My boyfriend's parents have a minpin. He's a sweet dog, but tends to be anxious. I think you have to be patient and understanding of these dogs. The one I know, Alex, seems well aware of how small and fragile he is. He can get very worried about things and used to fear bite strangers. I don't know if he still does. I don't see him that often, so I'm not sure if he's stopped biting me because he knows me now or because he doesn't do that kind of thing anymore. Even with the fear biting, I always liked Alex. He's sweet, like I said. He looks like a little gazelle and he likes cuddles. I think he has a lot of potential, but my boyfriend's parents don't really appreciate how anxious he can get, so they sometimes make it worse.

    Alex is a poorly bred minpin, and he has luxitating patellas on his back legs (do dogs have knees on their hind legs?). Anyway, his hind legs slip in and out of joint at the knee joint, and I believe he's got some other obscure health problems as well, all due to poor breeding. His vet gleefully told my boyfriend's parents that Alex was going to pay for his retirement. [:'(]

    So my advice is, be understanding and patient of them, and make sure you get one from a really good breeder that does joint x-rays and all the rest. They're a small dog with a lot of potential, IMHO.
    • Gold Top Dog
    One of my aunts has a minpin, a good sized house, & a large backyard in the country. The dog's about 2 yrs old now & still tears around the place constantly like a mad man. Even outside, if you turn your back on him, he hops up on a chair, then on to the b-b-q pit, then leaps on to your back. He's quite the little climber. If you sit down, he's all over you. My aunt said the only time he's ever still is when she holds him on his back & rocks him like a baby. She also has an elderly blind pug that she rescued from the side of the road. The minpin seems to understand that he needs help & will lead him around by the collar. In the back yard, the minpin will dig out a hole in the shade & nudge the pug into it. We're hoping he's just being considerate & not actually trying to bury the pug in an early grave!
    • Gold Top Dog
    My mother has a MinPin and that lil buggers CRAZY. Always chocked full of energy. If you rough house them, they  get really bitey and snarly. SO If she has younger children around that will be pulling on its ears or tugging it around everywhere, i suggest a different dog. they do and will bite.  They are also stubborn and refuse alot unless it fits to their needs. My moms Minpin wil run through the house  for hours and never get tired. This little dog will need lots of exersize, daily walks, let out into the yard to romp. if you want him to calm down some, i'd tell her to buy a kong and lots of toys to keep him/her busy, if she does decide to get one. They are very rambunctious little pups! Good luck!
    • Gold Top Dog
    She has one child he is 13 and he knows better.
    She has a full fenced backyard so she can let him/her out in the backyard.
    She can walk him everyday too since she jogs everyday.
    • Gold Top Dog
    well, then she's all set!  Min pins are really good companions and love a nice walk so, if she takes him/her jogging with her he'll/she'll have a blast. Let us know any updates to whether she decides to get a minpin or not! =]
    • Silver
    I was researching minpins for myself once upon a time.  I read in a number of places that they are often difficult to housetrain.  I don't know how true this is as I have never had one, but like I said did see it a number of times.
    • Gold Top Dog
    One of the coolest things I've ever seen was a minpin in an agility trial.  I love seeing the faces of those little dogs light up when they've got a job.  I think it really cements the relationship between dog and owner as well.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I was researching minpins for myself once upon a time.  I read in a number of places that they are often difficult to housetrain.  I don't know how true this is as I have never had one, but like I said did see it a number of times.

    Many toy breeds are harder to housetrain than other breeds.  They have small bladders.  As long as you are diligent and pay attention to when the dog needs to go out, you won't have any problems.
    Those min pins are hoots, I tell you!  They're VERY athletic and very energetic.  You should see them at the shows- they're bouncing all over the place and just seem to be so excited they can never sit still.  And they are amazing at agility.  They can jump really high and are very fast.  I think they're really cool little dogs.  From what I know, they need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation.  They can go go go for a long time.  If she's wanting to have a very active breed, then I think it'd be a good match.