I-Dog's Effect On Breeds For You

    • Gold Top Dog

    I-Dog's Effect On Breeds For You

    Just wondering...have any of you grown to like a breed who you didn't/were neutral about before because of dogs here on i-dog and their owners, what you've learned about these breeds here, etc.?

    For me, I've definitely come to have a respect and admiration for pit bulls, thanks to everyone here who didn't e-kill me (although it may have been hard to resist, lol) in the PB Ban thread, and of course the sweet Rosa Bella......I doubt I'll ever have a pittie, but I'm becoming more and more fond of them.

    Also, I have come to really like Dobermans because of dogs like Bevo and Gracie, and I would just love to adopt one from the local dobe rescue someday. When I was around 8 yrs old or so, I had a dog breed book and everytime I got to the page with the picture of 2 Doberman Pinscher's, I would get scared because they looked intimidating to me. But now, I think they are very gorgeous dogs.

    Also, I've always had a soft spot for German Shepherds, which has only been strengthened by the lot of them here!

    There are plenty of other breeds I've come to admire more because of this forum, I just named a few that came to mind so if a certain breed isn't mentioned, I love it too, lol. Oh, and I love everyone's mutts as well of course. So many different mixes and traits, what's not to love?

    So, back to the original question....please do share. [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Pit bulls of course. I've really grown to think they are cute, happy go lucky dogs - this is from thinking they were ugly, mean dogs lol. (sorry PB owners!). So, I would say that this forum is really great for PB awareness.
    Toy dogs - Normally I really dislike dogs that are under 15 lbs. It's just a bad bad stereotype that is hard to get rid of for me. It doesn't help that most 15 lb or less dog owners don't train their little terrors either. They just dress them up and goosh about how cute they are - meanwhile the dog is peeing on the floor, barking at everything that moves and biting everyone - all while wearing a pink frilly dress and booties. (do you sense the resentment there? lol) So, with the help of this forum, I am slowly coming around. Not all owners of toy dogs are dimwits who don't train or exercise their dogs. And toy dogs can be really great dogs if trained!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've always loved mutts and purebreds alike, but after joining this forum i want to adopt a mixed breed really bad! They are so unique! I plan to adopt a mixed breed from the shelter after i get good and settled with a dobie.
    I've always like pits (i've been around many) but i have a newfound respect for their owners. I think the pitbull owners on here are some of the most awesome, dedicated pet owners i know!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    i have a newfound respect for their owners. I think the pitbull owners on here are some of the most awesome, dedicated pet owners i know!!

    I'm with you on that one!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I can't say it's really changed my view on any breed. I outright like most all breed and their mixes...and those I don't care for I really still feel that way about, as it wasn't  a personality thing or lack of knowledge of the breeds that caused my feelings.
    I'd say more it's changed how I view people who say "own xxx breed" because in many cases my preconceptions about XXX(breed) people or XXX(breed) people were blown out of the water, lol. That's right and proper because preconceptions should be challenged, and often!
    • Gold Top Dog
    No, not really. No messageboards I frequent have had any breed influence on me.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have come to really like Dobermans because of dogs like Bevo and Gracie,

    Well Gracie would be happy to introduce you to some of her Dobe friends from the rescue whenever you're ready.[:D]  Thank you, for the kind sentiment.  We work hard for our Dobes to represent all the best things about the breed, first.  (Doesn't hurt that G is a total sweetheart, whom I fall more in love with every day, either.)
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hmmm.. good question![:D]

      My love for Dobermans increased due to Prince, Macy, Gracie and Bevo.

      I have a new respect for the northern breeds and also for wolves, especially due to Mark and Becky#%92s passion for them.   
        I respect Pit owners even more than I did before.

      I have learned a lot form houndlove about Conrad and Marlowe and I really love these dogs now and would consider the breed.

      I THOUGHT for awhile I wanted to own a Pharaoh Hound some day.. but then I changed my mind after getting to know a little more about the personality and loud voice of one such Hound… [;)]
        Overall though.. my favorite breed is still the greyhound, with other sighthounds coming in at a close second and I still adore Danes….

      BUT.. I will take a mutt anyday![:)]