Daxter & Joey - Opinions, Please

    • Gold Top Dog

    Daxter & Joey - Opinions, Please

    I asked this a while ago but for some reason, the search tool isn't working for me (it does this once in a while), so I'll just repost it.
    To make a long story short, these dogs were both formerly my brother's until he abandoned them and left them with us (they were never together, though - we had them at separate times...he also lied about saying he'd be back for them). We had to bring both to the humane society (which we trust because it's the one we volunteer with) because they were aggressive with Cadie and had behavioral problems, most likely due to my brother being a bad dog owner.
    I know their breeds don't matter, but I've always wondered.Thanks a lot!
    Joey - female (named by bro's gf after Joey Potter), weighed 35-40 lbs (guess), about 1 yr old.



    Daxter- male, est. 40-45 lbs, about 1 yr old.



    • Gold Top Dog
    They both look like German Shepherd mixes to me, the black more so than the black and tan though. His ears are like my Rio's whose mostly Shepherd. Sorry, can't post any pictures as they're all too big for the board. The black and tan looks almost like she's got some hound in her, it's just the coloring that suggests Shepherd. So maybe hound x Shepherd? Or hound x beagle.
    • Gold Top Dog
    i see dobie and shepherd in Joey .. i say that because i had a dobie/shepherd mutt dog. his dad was pure bred.. his mom was some kind of shepherd/collie/hound. she was the same colour as Joey, and so was her pup..i have SOO gotta get this picture of him scanned.....
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks Shiva and DumDog! Your suggestions definitely fit now that I look at their pictures. Maybe Joey was a hound/shepherd/dobe mix? Lol, could be though. Daxter, looks like he has shepherd in him too like you said, possibly with lab? I'm no breed decoder, though! [;)]