Does this baby look like a Border Collie?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks Lillysmommy..That's very interesting about the ticking! When I was searching for Border Collie pictures last night I didn't see any of these ticked dogs..most sites have the typical black and white pups..sooo cute. I love Border Collies!  I sure hope my baby keeps her spots!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ticking is extremely common. The really heavily ticked ones in working lines come from two major bloodlines. One, a dog from a few generations ago named Templeton's Moss, and another, a western line dog named Soot.

    That ticking doesn't really look like typical ACD ticking, which is supposed to be more even (but isn't always, I realize). And there's just something not really ACD about that pup. The fact that she shared a kennel with other more typical looking BC pups makes me think she's purebred, like Stella from the BC Boards.

    Thanks Paula - I was trying to think of where I'd seen a pup that looked just like her and wasn't succeeding. For some reason I can't get her piccies to upload anymore, boo hoo.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Becca...I'm so glad you popped in always have such interesting info on BCs and I appreciate your input! The more I read about those gorgeous ACDs, the more I think my girl is a Border Collie. (I just joined the BC board..lots of great info there too!)
    I guess I need to be patient and see how she changes as she grows. I just think it's important to have as much info on the breed you are bringing into your home so you can give it everything it needs to thrive right from the very beginning. Of course ALL breeds need lots of cuddles..and that's what she's getting. lol 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I found a pic of Dodie Green's Soot!

    And Templeton's Moss. You can't see the ticking but there's some there, and his kids and so on down the line, got tons and tons:

    Here's one of his sons so you can see all the brown coloring:

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks for the link..and the pics!
     My BC mix has some ticking..just didn't know there was a name for those has a few on all the parts of his fur that are white...especially on his nose and muzzle.