Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
what are we??
ok I think I know what breed these girls are but I want to here your opinion! Molly Definant beagle in her! lol Pickpoket (thinking beagleXgsd) ^dark one not many pictures of PIckpocket, but try your best!
Ooooh...guess the breed!
We were told he's an Australian Shepherd mix, but we get a lot of people asking us if he's Brittany. He's six months, 22lbs. Any thoughts??
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2nd dog
Hi, We have an 18 month old Golden Retriever who is a neutered male who has been obedience trained and being prepped for agility. We are looking for a second dog but want to vary the breed a bit as we have had previous Goldens who died of old age i.e. greater than 14 years. we are looking at:- 1....
Suggestions in picking a breed?
Hi all, My name is Sarah. I'm looking to adopt a dog from the pound and was interested in suggestions about what breed would be best for me. I've grown up with dogs my whole life and the past four years of college without one has been hell. I didn't think I had the time or room for a dog...
Poodle mixed with?
I recently adopted a poodle mix. Here is a picture before his haircut, and one after. He is around 2-3 years old. He has long skinny tail. His body is in cream color, except for his ear and the tip of his tail that is grey and brown. His head is smaller in proportion to his body. I would love to know...
Looking for something larger... (Aussies or Border Collies?)
In the future (year or two at least), I want a larger breed. I toyed around with sighthounds for a while as I think they're amazing animals, but decided the personality just wasn't the best match for me. It's been a while since I've had a larger breed, so I wanted something more like...
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My Aussie "mix" all grown up! Final verdict?
Well, she's pretty much all grown up, 10 months old. I don't think she'll change too much more except maybe fill out and get a thicker coat. We were told she's an Aussie mix but as soon as I saw her picture on I thought she may be purebred, thought she was gorgeous, and...
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Choosing a breed
Hi, I've never owned a dog before, but have, over the last year or so, decided I am going to get a dog. I know a bit about dogs (mostly from Victoria Stilwell's "it's me or the dog programme" ;) and I would obviously do a lot of research before even contemplating buying one. I...
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Now, for my other "Aussie mix" all grown up
Now here's my other so-called "Aussie mix", that I don't think has any Aussie at all! He looks mostly or all Border Collie to me, but he's really big so maybe he's got something else in him. Although I have seen older working lines of BC's that look like him. He's got...
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Yorkie Breeder info
Where can I get a list of reputable yorkie breeder? A friend of mine is looking to get a yorkie but i haven't been able to find a good website. Thanks.
Australian Kelpies
I'll tell you what, as much as I think this breed makes an awful suburban pet, they are just as sweet as can be when they're happy. It occurred to me this morning, as I gave this kelpie I met on the street lots of rubs as she cuddled up to my legs, that I haven't seen them so much lately...
Favorite attribute of breeds.
Ok, I was thinking about specific breeds and how most people are drawn to specific characteristics on those breed. Like huskies people like their eyes, and those big fluffy tails. people normally find any herding dogs body structure and posture the best attributes. I figured I'd ask about Pibbles...
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is it normal for maltese puppies to be so expensive?
A friend of mine wants a Maltese pup and I am doing a little research on breeders for her to stop her from buying yet another pet shop dog. All of the show breeders I am seeing are charging upwards of $1500 for a pet quality puppy, and this one in particular is charging $3000! [link http://www.chrismanmaltese...
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Collies vs Shelties
I am curious as to what the temperament differences are between collies and shelties. I have shelties - are collies similar? More active? Anyone who has owned a collie or has both, just curious.
Purebred or not?? take a guess..
Hello. I rescued Diego and he looks a lot like a Basneji, but I've never seen one in person, so anyone who is familiar with Basenjis let me know what you think!
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doberman question
i have heard many times people say that doberman are dangerous at night because they dont smell you so they attack it true?
Ok, Penny's turn!
I think she has way more than two breeds in her, but I haven't had any luck identifying any of them. She is about 14 inches tall, weighs 15 lbs, and you can't see in the pic, but all four feet are white and she has a long tail with a white tip. Her personality is terrier-ish. My guess is rat...
Australian Shepherd and Native Indians
I know that Australian Shepherds are supposed to be very good with horses. Does this have anything to do with the fact that Native Indians raised Australian Shepherds? Or was it American ranchers who trained them to to work well with horses? Or maybe both. Also, ever seen a toy Australian Shepherd? I...
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Norfolk Terrier
Hey, I´m from Brazil, and I want to buy a Norfolk Terrier, but here there isn´t breeders of this breed. So I want some help...where can I find some good kennel ou breeder that could exporta some Norfolkf puppy to Brazil. From any place of the world.... Thanks Leonardo
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ILP Breed
I have decided to register Charlie in the AKC as an ILP dog so we cna compete in agility and obediance. I jsut dont know which breed to register him as. Which AKC breed do you guys think he is most like? I thought about Golden Retreiver but I just dont know. :\ Here are his pictures:
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