2nd dog

    • Puppy

    2nd dog

    We have an 18 month old Golden Retriever who is a neutered male who has been obedience trained and being prepped for agility. We are looking for a second dog but want to vary the breed a bit as we have had previous Goldens who died of old age i.e. greater than 14 years.
    we are looking at:-
    1. german short haired pointer
    2. brittany spaniel
    3. Parson terrier
    i could not find a reference as to what dogs get on. Any ideas?
    • Silver
    I don't think the breed of dog matters much, it's the dog's temperament that's going to be important.
    I myself am just not a terrier person, so I won't comment on them.   I know a couple of people who have German short hairs and both of them have said that the females have to be kept separated from their other dogs.  They just won't get along with other dogs.  These people have dogs from totally separate lines so I don't have any idea if it's a breed tendancy or not.
    Hae you considered one of the setters?  Not only are they gorgeous dogs, but they're pretty easy-going from what I've seen, they're close to the same size as your golden so exercising and playing together would be great! 
    • Puppy
    Will take a look at the setter. Thanks