Purebred or not?? take a guess..

    • Silver

    Purebred or not?? take a guess..

    Hello. I rescued Diego and he looks a lot like a Basneji, but I've never seen one in person, so anyone who is familiar with Basenjis let me know what you think!

    • Silver
    couple more pics..

    • Gold Top Dog
    Uhh... Yeah, I think you have a Basenji. What a cutie! Does he bark? 
    • Silver
    he def. makes noise, but i dont know if i would say it is a "normal dog" bark, this is my first dog, but sometimes it sounds pretty much like a bark... and i can get him to yodel/roo with me- its so funny and cute!! i wanted a basenji and thats why i rescued him becuase i knew he was a basenji mix at the least.. thanks for your opinion!!
    • Silver
    the reason why i question his breed is:
    1. he seems a little larger than the typical basenji, he is about 33lbs, and its fitting for his body size, he's not overweight in the slightest.
    2. a guy that claimed he bred basenjis told me he wasnt a basenji, but that was a stranger at an ice cream shop..
    • Gold Top Dog
    To me he looks like a Basenji mix. Something about his head and ears doesn't look right; reminds me of an Australian Cattle Dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say Basenji mix.  Hes pretty big, his tail isn't quite right, and his face seems different.  He also seems to be a little more heavily boned.  He's cute no matter what!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I see a lot of Collie. The coat is not slick enough to say Basenji to me...he looks smooth collie x something smaller.
    How old is he?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say he could be a basenji mix.  The bone structure isn't quite as refined/elegant as a basenji, ears are a little big, he looks a little large for a badsenji (not a typo), fur may be a little thicker, but over all there is something basenji-ish to him.  Here's a couple of pics of my dogs for comparison.  The brindle and tri are adult males; the red/white is a female puppy.  Zpuppy hasn't quite grown into her ears, so they look big.

    ETA - but yea, if you like basenjis, I can see how you had to have him.  [;)]  I would too.
    • Gold Top Dog
    • Silver
    he is about 2 1/2 years old- and i agree with you all- his features are a little off for a basenji, his hair is thick around the neck, and as i said before he's a little too big- but to me he resembles them a lot, i could just never think of any other breed he looked like.. after seeing the pictures of the collies i can see how that could be in the mix too. thanks for everyones opinions!!