Ok, Penny's turn!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ok, Penny's turn!

    I think she has way more than two breeds in her, but I haven't had any luck identifying any of them. She is about 14 inches tall, weighs 15 lbs, and you can't see in the pic, but all four feet are white and she has a long tail with a white tip. Her personality is terrier-ish. My guess is rat terrier, feist or JRT mixed with lots of other things. DH see's chihuahua in there somewhere.

    • Gold Top Dog
    She's cute, but I see no Chi. Her coloring reminds me of a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, and yes they are a breed I'm not just making up a name, not very popular in the U.S. though. They're a medium size dog but there's a possibility there's some of that in her. But she does look kinda terrier-ish to me. Honestly, I have no clue either. My suggestion is get a dog breed book(or check one out from the library if they have any) and go through and compare until you find some that seem to fit? That may be the only way to figure it out.
    • Gold Top Dog
    She really looks like a "natural dog". Just a mix of mixes, an American Yella Dawg.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Her head looks a bit like a rat terrier to me. Boy, she really is cute!
    • Gold Top Dog
    the tint of her fur, and something about that face of hers reminds me of a corgi. i dont know what but she sure is cute any how!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I just had to Google the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever because I have never ever heard of that breed, and Shiva is right.  Penny does bear some resemblance.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I keep going back to your other thread about rescuing her because I just love seeing her picture! She really is so cute and I am so glad you decided to keep her!
    I have no clue what she is though.
    • Silver
    How adorable! So So cute!! Her coloring is almost identical to my Basenji. White paws, white chest, white tip of tale, and same red/brown color for the rest. Besides that not much resembalance. She is lucky you found her!! Sorry I wasnt more of a help!