question to breed-savy people

    • Gold Top Dog
    Bostons are generally pretty high energy, but all of the ones I've met will definitely play fetch.  The problem isn't getting them to fetch, but getting them to stop!  [:D]  A pug also comes to mind, although they tend to do the "orbit" thing a lot...  I find both breeds very charming and amusing, but Bostons may be a little high energy.  Pugs can definitely deal with the mellow life, though, but they shed a LOT...
    • Silver
    I didn't think bostons were all that high of energy.  I know several people that have them.  They do want some excercise everyday but the ones I met were pretty content to spend 90% of the day lounging around in the house.  Once they grew up anyway.  At less than a year old they seem rather hyper.  Most people I've talked to actually describe them as couch potatos.  I just prefer large dogs and don't like the flatter faces or most anything about dogs like boston terriers.
    Spaniels were the first thing that came to my mind followed by maybe a well bred retriever of some sort.  It varies with such breeds though.  My aunt always has a chesapeak bay retriever around and after owning 5 or more of them can talk about the hyper ones, the laid back ones, the easy one to train, the stubborn one, etc...  Which is why I said well bred from a breeder who can tell you the personality of the parents.  Same with labs they vary alot.  You can find some that match your household perfectly and some that would be an absolute terror to you.  If your not too set on getting a purebred though you might find what your looking for by just going to a shelter or rescue and looking around.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I was actually thinking of a Toller.  Nova Scotia Duck Retrieving Toller, that is.  Big name, mid-sized dog-medium to long coat.  Cute as a button.  I'm not sure about the energy level though.  I do know, that they will retrieve, it's in their name after all.

    Clumbers are great dogs with interesting temperments.  i think they're the most mellow dogs, on the whole, that I've ever met.

    Ever thought about a Chin?  Or a Tibetan Terrier?  Those are two of my favorite small dogs.

    Knowing your location, however, makes suggesting dogs a bit more difficult.  Especially with some of the harder to find breeds like Clumbers or Tollers.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have 2 Boston Terriers and they both love to fetch. While Shelby has way more energy than Souffle, they both know when to kick back and relax. One minute, they'll be perfectly content to run around and play fetch and the next minute, they'll be content to lay around the house.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Clipped down Sussex or Clumber.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Xerxes
    Knowing your location, however, makes suggesting dogs a bit more difficult.  Especially with some of the harder to find breeds like Clumbers or Tollers.

    no worries, this is highly theoretical at this point. [;)]
    i'm gonna need some time to look into these breeds. i just really wanted to know what dog i would have gotten, if i had had the chance to chose..