Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Can anyone tell what breed my dog is? Thanks.
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Found this title on craigslist: 18 month old Boxador NEEDS home ASAP Boxador? Oh please. [sm=flamethrower.gif] I had to rant a little bit.
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Boxer puppies
Boxer puppies are here!!! Shady had seven pups!! She had five and I was good girl that is a good number!! She went to sleep and I lay down to rest, when I woke up she had 2 MORE!! I kept asking her if she was sure they were hers!! lol (just kidding of course) They are so big looking to me since I am...
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Dogs for people with allergies
I have a friend with a dad who has allergies, they had to rehome their retired police dog German Shepherd because of his shedding. Are there any dogs you'd suggest out there for people with allergies?? Can anyone give me info on Curly Coated Retrievers and Poodles? Do Chesapeake Bay Retrievers shed...
Cattledog pups
This site has pics of ACD pups at 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8 weeks. Amazing to see the cute little buggers and how thier coats change!
Is Rough Collie a good choice for a family with a 3years old and 9...
Hi: I wonder if a Rough Collie puppy is a suitable choise for a family with two young kids? (A 3 years old and a 9 years old). The choices were GSD, Standard Schnauzer and Rough Collie. I thought maybe Rough Collie could be the mellowest of them all. Is it right? Thanks Benign
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Doberman Discussions
I know I'm not the only Doberman owner/enthusiast out here. Love my dog and her breed beyond compare. Beauty, brains, will work for nothing but praise. She warms my heart and my feet at night. She's not yet 3, but I looked in her face the other day and saw both the puppy and the old dog she...
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Border Collies and Maremmas at Work!
And not at my place - I found this on a web site of a sheep farmer in Italy. The Maremmas are at the end.
Breed Survey
Just for fun Answer if you'd right or wrong answers of course! [ ] Also, feel free to add your own questions. I did not ask things like "least attractive, dumbest," etc because we don't want anyone's feelings hurt, but it's your call. [ ] What dog breed do you think...
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Berger Picard?
I'd never seen these before this weekend. I surprised myself by sort of falling in love with them. Usually I'm not into dogs with hair any longer/curlier/rougher than a German Shepherd, lol. What are they like, temperament-wise? How do they compare to other more familiar herding dogs? Here...
What is this dog?
This is a purebred dog. I took this picture during the Northern Breed group ring at a UKC show on Sunday. I have no idea which dog this is!
The Official Bree Post! What is she?
I don't think I've ever done a "what is Bree" post, so for kicks, give me your ideas! I've a few pics, and a video that may help. She's 3-1/2 years old, about 22-23 lbs. She is double coated. She blows coat twice a year. She makes a strange baying noise when she's surprised...
Ay ayay
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Corgi/Pit Bull Mix?
Can anyone find some pictures of a Corgi/Pit Bull Mix? Or something of this nature?
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What should we get?
Hi all. I'm new here and my boyfriend and I are thinking of getting a dog in the next year or so. We have a townhouse with a small yard so we would need to get something small. I like labs but those are too big for a townhouse. Anyway, I had a beagle when I was younger but do not want another one...
Woolly Huskies!
Some dog show people dont like wooly huskies what are your opions?
Dutch Malinois?
I was at a show this weekend and watched a bite work demo by the dog sports ring. The person putting on the demo introduced a "Dutch Malinois". At first I thought he mis-spoke, but then he said they are creating this breed. Does anyone know anything about them? This was their "Dutch Malinois"...
Cocker Spaniel people - talk to me!
I'm picking up my first ever cocker spaniel foster today. I've always had rotties. I've owned other breeds of dogs, but never ever a cocker. This is a 3 year old male. He's been left in a backyard for over a year. Never housebroken and hasn't been groomed in +1 year. There were...
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"German Shepherd" Mixes...
I was bored at work, searching PetFinder. Some of these are just plain funny! "Rottweiler x GSD" "German Shepherd, Shepherd" "Husky x GSD: "German Shepherd" "German Shepherd x Australian Shepherd" "German Shepherd...
Rotti's Or Rotti x
Any one elso own a Rotti or a Rotti cross?
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