
    • Bronze


    Ay ayay

    • Gold Top Dog
    What's the purpose of the mating?
    I hope they aren't chained up like that a lot?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I am trying to mix these two dogs.

    • Bronze
    The purpose of the mix is because they are the only dogs that I have, and I would like some puppies. The chains are because I brought them to a ranch where they have a lot of chickens, and I am afraid they are going to eat them if I let them loose.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Please do yourself, the world, and your dogs a favor.  Get them altered.  Don't want them to chase the chickens?  Train them not to chase the chickens.  Don't be unfair to them and keep them chained.
    If you won't even train your dogs not to chase chickens, how would you go about finding proper homes for the 8+ puppies those two souls would likely produce?
    The purpose you stated for breeding the two is not a good reason for breeding.  Sorry to be blunt but it's the truth.
    When I got my Shepherd I was afraid he was gonna eat my cats.  With training, my Shepherd doesn't chase or eat my cats.  With training, or dogs won't eat or chase the chickens.
    • Gold Top Dog
    If you want to have the best possible chance of having healthy puppies both parents should go thru a number of heath and genetic tests to insure that they aren't passing along any possible defects.  Those tests could run several thousand dollars for your dogs.  Are you prepared to spend that much money just to have a puppy?  There are lots of pit mix puppies in shelters looking for homes.
    • Bronze
    I would only like to know the type of dog that I have, if you have any info, I would appreciate it
    • Gold Top Dog
    One, it would be called a breed, not a type. You would use type if you were asking if your dog was a herding or working breed.
    Two, I agree with the other's. You shouldn't breed your dogs just because you want a puppy from your 2 dogs. That is not a good enough reason. I'd love an Aussie puppy again, but if my current Aussie wasn't fixed would I breed her? No!, because she's got a health problem that my vets can't figure out what exactly it is and it would be stupid and cruel to possibly pass that on to her puppies and unsuspecting puppy buyers. And I wouldn't want to deal with it again in another dog.
    And three, your dog looks like a boxer. But it could be a boxer mix, all the more reason why you shouldn't breed. These aren't even 2 purebred parents and all you're going to do is make more mutts which there are already enough of.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't know what type of dog you have **Content Removed**

    The world does not need any more mixed breed puppies. There are more than enough already.

    According to the Humane Society of the United States and the government Census Bureau 2,000 puppies and 450 humans are born every hour in our country. Right from the start, only 1 out of 4 puppies has a chance at a home. Finding a permanent home is even more unlikely - only 1 out of 10 dogs will stay with its original buyer for its whole life. Five out of 10 will change owners before they're a year old. The remainder of these dogs will end up in animal shelters, abandoned and unwanted. Even if your dog is an expensive purebred, your puppies are subject to the same statistics. At least 3 MILLION purebred dogs will be killed in animal shelters this year alone because there just aren't enough homes for all of them. There are so many unwanted pets that cities and counties all over the country are considering passing laws that will ban all breeding!
    • Silver
    Are you listening?  Please do not "mix" these two dogs and do not have puppies.  You need to take a visit to a shelter or rescue- pitty mixes are VERY difficult to find homes for.  Chances are these puppies will end up abused, mistreated, or destroyed.  I am sorry to say that your pics do not leave the impression that your dogs are very well cared for.  It looks like you have them chained up in a shower!  What do you plan on doing with the puppies? 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ooh I got my first red ink ever!

    I'm so naughty.