Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
any idea which breed?
We have had my dog for nearly a year now, but we are not sure what breed he is, we are geussing at... Labrador / bull mastif cross ... any ideas?
Your Favourite Breed
Hello here you can tell us all about your favourite breed and why you love that breed!! I'll start, I love Terriers because I like smaller dogs like mediumish and my terrier toffee is just a darling I think terriers have the cutest hair!!
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blue merle poodles
[link][/link] What will they think-up next? Yeah, I know they are kind of pretty/unique, but come on, $1500? I thought that was a bit silly for a funky-looking poodle.[8D]
Asking for alittle input on what breed she is.
I brought home my newest addition to our family. This is Bella. I bought her here in Italy where I am stationed.I have no idea what she is really. I was told an Irish Setter but she is definatly not Red. Any suggestions on what she might be?
Huskies & Malamutes
Pardon me...I'm not trying to be ignorant or anything, I know Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes are different breeds altogether but they look similar and I think it would be nice to have one someday. So, what are the differences between these two breeds, appearance wise, temperament, health...
I know this thread may be a bit awkward, but how does everyone feel about hyena's as pets?? Many Africans keep them as house guardians and they rarely have problems:
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What Breed is this???
Does anyone know which breed this dog is?????
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what breed do you think she is.. *picture heavy*
Just out of curiosity I was wondering what breed everyone thought Evangeline was. The Rescue Society said American Eskimo X Australian Cattle dog, but I can't help but think she kinda look like a white GSD cross. Here's a picture of Evangeline's mom: And here's some pictures...
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Labrador Rescues in Maryland
I'd like to adopt a Lab from this rescue group: [link][/link] Is anyone familiar with it?
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Can anyone tell what breed or breeds she is
I know the pictures are not very good. I just was so happy to run across them today I had to post. I know that I have better pictures but with a digital camera all my pictures are on disks. Lots of disks. Fluffy is the dog that I lost last year at about this time and I never knew that breed or breeds...
Does anyone here have a catahoula? I have one although I suspect something else might be mixed in...I don't have a picture on my work computer to post but I'll see if I can find a good one tonight. I'm more curious to see if people have the same experiences with them that I have. He showed...
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Blue Lacy?
One of the couples we hang around with had considered buying a Blue Lacy, but I'd never heard of the breed. Looked it up & apparently it's the "official dog of Texas." Anyone ever heard of or had any experience with one?
Chinese Crested Powderpuff
My girfriend saw this breed at a petstore, and she LOVES it. They were selling it for about $300 usd. Im usually anti-petstore, but we cant seem to find one anywhere else for an affordable price. (We're young and not super rich) Anyone know where I can find one? Or should I give my money to the petstore...
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Mixed Breeds
Will Mixed Breeds have the same characteristics as the breeds of their parents or will their characterstics be their own because they are a mixed breed? Sorry... sort of stupid question I guess.
pit bull info anyone?
has anyone any info about pit bulls? is there any difference from staffordshire bull terrier? (they look kind of the same) i have heard that they realy hard to train and not very good for a first time dog owner i have read very controversial things about them and i dont know what to believe anymore...
Amazing how many people own/believe in Designer Breeds...
I've probably informed 5 people now on Designer Breeds. Everyone says, "I want a Puggle!" and guess what, at the pet store people were getting Designer Breed calenders and books. Agggh it bothers me sooooooo every pet store DESIGNER BREEDS...on walks I see DESIGNER BREEDS>...
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I'm not sure which pleaseee
I was talking to my dad today...and we went into a petshop because I always like looking at all the puppies there. On the way home I asked him..."Will we ever be able to get a third dog...? and he says "If you raise enough money and I know you set a firm goal to raise money and get a puppy...
Hey! I'm getting a boxer pup in about 6 weeks (so excited!!!!) anyone have any tips or advice on this breed. We have never had a purebred (besides a German Shepherd when I was a kid) we usually get pound puppies. Anyway, I'm so excited!!! Just need to come up with a name... **Edit**...
Anyone else have a saluki? Mine is a 5 month old bitch.
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Ugh! Designer breeds
ACD designer mix, I hate that it's soooo cute:
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