Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Catahoula safety with small dogs
If anyone has info regarding Catahoula safety with small/toy dogs, it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
I have a 9 week old pomeranian that is currently 3.12 lbs. I was curious to how many pounds he will grow up to be. I know there's no sure shot answer but just for as an estimate. Also, if there are any pomeranian owners out there that could give some stats on how much their pomeranian weighed at...
Could anyone please identify this dog breed???
I had this 99.999% similar looking dog as the picture when i was a kid. I want to know what the name of the dog is because I want to adopt this specific kind when I'm able to. Does anyone know?? I've researched whereever I could but the closest I could come to was a pomeranian but I'm absolutely...
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Favorite big huggable family dogs
Maybe 5 or 10 years down the line I might want to get a dog that's more family-suitable than my little papillon. (Sorry, Rascal!) What are y'all's favorite dogs that are good with kids, have medium to long hair, don't need a ton of exercise (obviously any dog is going to get *some...
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I got to thinking, how about a basenji?
Some of you may have read about my other thread about wanting to get another dog, one that was high energy (not bouncing off the walls), smart and nice with other dogs, pets and people. I was thinking about a toy poodle, rat terrier but now came across the basenji.... Does anyone have any experiences...
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German Shepherd help needed quickly!!
I need to order something like today for Chop so that it arrives on time. It will be used the day after we get her, so I can't wait to measure her myself. I haven't gotten responses to my inquiries regarding her measurements. Can someone tell me generally the girth, neck, and/or back length for...
Rat terrier...?
I am thinking about getting a Rat Terrier...does anyone here own one or know anyone who owns one....? What are their temperments like...? Thanks in advance!
Rat terrier people - help - PLEASE!!
Ugh. At my wits end. I don't know what to do with these two anymore. Background first I suppose. While living in Florida, hubby and I were getting ready to leave one day, opened the door and found a pittie pup and a rattie pup on the front step. They'd gotten into a bag of garbage on the...
Americn and Native American Indian Dogs
As I was looking up hypoallergenic dog breeds, I came across Native American Indian Dogs on one of the lists. When I started to do research on them, not only did I discover that there were actually two different breeds: American Indian Dogs, or AID's (see [link]http://www...
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Another "guess what my puppy is"
This is Rafe...I recently adopted him from the HS here, and they originally had him down as a "pit mix," but when I said I couldn't have any "pits" or their mixes, they changed him to a boxer/shepherd mix... So, anyone have any clues on what he may be? At first I didn't think...
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Hey GSD people!
My husband and I have always wanted a German Shepherd. We've always had Labs. We currently have a male Lab and a male Sheltie. My husband is definately partial to gun dogs but he, like me, has always had a soft spot for GSDs. There are a couple of things that hold us back from getting one. The main...
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Bernese Mountain Dog
Has anyone got one of these? We are seriously thinking of getting one and would love to hear more about them. I keep reading that they are very friendly dogs and got for a family. One thing I would like to know is, do they slobber a lot? Many thanks.
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toy poodles?
I'm still trying to find the right breed for me, and I think I might have found it. A Toy Poodle! I have been researching, but I still havnt found out what their temperment with other dogs that will be larger that them...and how they are with little kids and things. Does anyone have...
Mini Aussies
First of all, I want to say I know a Mini Aussie is not a real breed . But how do people 'create' them? Is it just years of inbreeding? My neighbor has a 'Miniature' Aussie named Kinzi. She's adorable and very hyper, no heavier than 15 pounds and I can carry her. I'm just wondering...
Anyone else have a whippet? I have a saluki too. She was given to me.
I think you will enjoy this
Found this on another's all meant in good humor, and I enjoyed it. Can anyone think of any others? New Dog Breeds Collie + Lhasa Apso = Collapso (a dog that folds up for easy transport) * Pointer + Setter = Poinsetter (a traditional Christmas pet) * Kerry Blue Terrier...
Labrador questions??
We have an have an opportunity to have a pure breed Lab. who's mother died after giving birth. We have never had a Lab before so we know nothing about them. If any of you have one or has had one or knows about them could you please share? Thanks, Tammy
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Flat coated retriever?
I come out to visit my brothers each summer. Last summer we went to the pound and adopted a dog. The first thing I noticed about him when we saw him was his very strange head. It was pretty flat and his eyes were far apart. As you can see in even these pictures, when clean his coat is very shiny! I have...
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Cattledog at work
SMALL BUT STURDY - GET ALONG, LITTLE DOGGIE: Weymouth uses Australian cattle dog to round up suspects Weymouth police officer Lorri Landrigan holds Audi, an Australian cattle dog that is trained to help the department find drugs. “She#%92s not the big, tough, growling police dog that people expect...
What is he?
Buddy has everyone stumped. To me he looks part Dainty Dinmont but I'm not sure. What are your guesses?
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