Favorite big huggable family dogs

    • Gold Top Dog

    Favorite big huggable family dogs

    Maybe 5 or 10 years down the line I might want to get a dog that's more family-suitable than my little papillon. (Sorry, Rascal!)

    What are y'all's favorite dogs that are good with kids, have medium to long hair, don't need a ton of exercise (obviously any dog is going to get *some* exercise, but jogging or super long hikes aren't my style - something like a daily nice, sedate walk would be great), are laid-back and pretty easygoing, and don't slobber a lot?

    Again, this wouldn't be for 5-10 years or more, just curious what breeds you guys favor.
    • Bronze
    Of course a lab or golden retreiver would be my first suggestion once they get thru the puppy stage.
    I'm not sure what my big ole Max is, but I have to say he's the best "family" pet we've ever had. He is so gentle and loving.
    • Gold Top Dog
    These are the dogs on my "short list" for possible future family dogs (I've excluded the smaller ones with short hair).  The energy levels might be a bit high for your criteria, but as far as being family dogs and having good recommendations from people I know, these are what I would consider:

    Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

     American Eskimo

    Irish Setter


    English Setter!!! (this is my #1 right now, we found one as a kid and had to give it up)

    For older children (12 and up), of course I'd consider a lab or Golden, or more German Shepherds!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Well I'm a hound guy.  I think hounds are the ultimate in dogs, basically because they're all about comfort and what's in it for them.  They also are supremely silly.  So here is my short list of silly, huggable dogs;
    Bloodhound (I adore these dogs for their sense of humor)
    Black and Tan Coonhound
    Scottish Deerhounds
    Irish Wolfhounds (you did say BIG huggable, right?)
    • Gold Top Dog
    How about a Sammy.  Great with kids, training though is another matter.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Bernese Mountain Dog - a woman that used to work were I work has two.  Both dogs came to work as puppies, but got too big for our little kitchen.  I love these dogs.  Once they mature they are very mellow.  She doesn't take her dogs for walks, but that would definately have helped her when they were in their adolesence faze. 
    Of course a Golden
    I'll probably think of more.
    • Gold Top Dog
    With those criteria, it's awfully hard to beat collies- or even English Shepherds. SOME Berners are less slobbery than others. Goldens, standard poodles- a lot of the retrievers and spaniels (bench/show bred, not field-bred!) once you get past the crazy puppy stages. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    What a bout a Newfoundland?  I've only known two but they were sweet, mellow, and BEAUTIFUL!!! 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think a Newfoundland would be a great dog, fitting the characteristics you described. I have always wanted one.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've had wonderful experience with Bernese Mountain Dogs and kids...the ones I've known have been big, mellow, and extremely friendly, AND non-drooly (the dogs ;).  I'd definitely recommend them for a family situation.  Leonbergers, also, are similar in temperament I believe and just plain gorgeous.

    ...gosh just searching GoogleImages for Leonberger you come up with these right away:

    I've met a few Leos and they've all been very friendly and super adorable.  I've always had a soft spot for them.  A little on the rare side, though gaining popularity.
    • Gold Top Dog
    yeah now i want a leo [>:]
    actually you cant beat a good bulldog when it comes to family. well, when i was a kid you couldnt. a good breeder of American Bulldogs will not tolerate nor proliferate a dog that doesnt like children, as it should be. Kaydee will run the gauntlet just to be able to lick and cuddle with a baby or child of any age.
    but i also have good childhood memories of dobies, and no you cant beat a good collie or GSD.
    the problem with the shepherd types i have found is they must be raised with the children in order to bond.
    • Gold Top Dog
    of course they're my favorite, but GSDs and ridgebacks are usually great around children, especially when raised with them.
    I've seen dobes, boxers, and goldens also make great pets for families with children.
    i have a friend who has an english mastiff and a 1 year old and it's amazing how awesome the mastiff is with the baby!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Rottweilers past the age of 3 years fit that description pretty good. My family has always had a Rottweiler, ever since I was born. They've been excellent family dogs, and after they hit three, they didn't need an overly large amount of physical exercise. Dobermans can be great aswell, but do need quite a bit more exercise than a Rottweiler and their coat isn't what you are looking for. I also agree with the suggestion of a Leonberger though.
    • Gold Top Dog
    We had a golden retrever growing up, she was the perfect dog.... she was one when I was born.... loved her. If anything you choose try and stay away from herding dogs...bad for little kids
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeah, you want a Leo. They're number 2 on my list at the moment, but only because adults are so hard to come by and my poor old corgi wouldn't cope well with an 8 week old puppy that weighs more than she does.

    A couple of months ago I went to a beach party with a bunch of Leo owners to get to know the breed. They are just so sweet. You couldn't fault their temperaments. They rarely get into arguments with anything. The only problem is a 9 month old Leo is a whole lot of bouncy, clumsy dog. I saw one tread on a little boy by accident and he was pretty leary of them after that. The adults are very careful and conscious of their size, but in that period between being nearly full grown but still a puppy, you've got a real handful. Nonetheless, I'm pretty keen to have one. They're so incredibly laid back and confident, but not drooly. That's a winning combination in my book.