toy poodles?

    • Gold Top Dog

    toy poodles?

    I'm still trying to find the right breed for me, and I think I might have found it. A Toy Poodle! I have been researching, but I still havnt found out what their temperment with other dogs that will be larger that them...and how they are with little kids and things.
    Does anyone have any information on toy poodles...or any good websites I could check out...?
    I will also be looking for a breeder in Illinois...let me know if you find anything!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I would probably get a Mini Poodle because I would worry about the much larger Golden accidentally hurting a Toy Poodle. That being said, a lot of people have VERY large dogs like Great Danes and Chihuahuas together, so it can be done, you just have to be careful.

    As far as personality, I've never owned a Toy Poodle, so I can't give you any really indepth info. But from what I know they are very intelligent, loyal and prone to being barky. Other than that, it seems like there's a lot of variation in temperament- some are calm snugglers, others are more active and feisty. Hopefully someone else will be able to help more! [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    my grandmother (my dads mom) owned toy poodles.. apricot poodle was one, the other was just a white poodle. and since i am not a poodle owner i dont know anything about the history of apricot poodles. she was.... pinkish. very cute though. and VERY sweet. amazingly loveable .. until her "mom" left the house. Then Brandy (the dog) would find a used tshirt belonging to my grandmother, or a shoe.. drag it under the bed and snarl at anyone who dared enter the room. and dont you DARE put your toes near that bed. she would bite! she went from cute little fluffy lamb to Cujo as soon as that door was shut...
    but yes she loved kids, loved other dogs. my grandmother's sister inlaw lived next door with her white shepherd and the two got along just fine when they were outside together.
    But there was one incident that involved a relative's pound puppy (they never knew her breed mix but everyone assumed either pit bull X dalmatian or some variation of.. she had no tail.. not even a nub) but one Thanksgiving weekend family was visiting, they brought their dog (named Maggie Sue) someone handed out treats to the dogs, and one got possessive.... which ended up with Brandy going to the emergency vet and getting numerous ugly painful stitches. i dont think either dog was to blame. the new dog was visiting and the owners didnt realise the potential disaster by handing out treats in another dog's home WHILE that other dog is present....

    Brandy loved kids, loved to play constantly, was great with strangers. when you knocked on the door she would find a squeeker toy and dance around with it and make it squeek the whole time. she was just fun... i loved her to death, but as she got older she got more and more defensive over her mom. she bit my grandad several times (he deserved it) and when my grandmother got two chiahuhuas (at different times) Brandy would get more and more ... mean.. and mean to everyone. i guess SHE liked being the only dog because thats how she was raised.

    my grandmothers other poodle was... a grouch. but i was only four years old then. but all i remember of her was she would poop in the living room floor and my grandad would tease me and try to get me to pick it up with my bare hands... like i said.. he deserved it when the dogs bit him... but i dont remember much about that dog. her name was Gigi... pronounced jee jee.. typical poodle name i guess lol

    i dont know ANYTHING about miniature poodles but i like them. i met a couple at the local dog shows... and weirdly enough they caught my eye every time i saw one. i am used to just seeing toys or standards.. so when someone walked by with a mini ... it was always a "whoa!" moment... they're cute though, and they were all very sweet friendly dogs..
    • Silver
    I have never owned a poodle but from what I have seen at my local dog training club they are very smart and gentle dogs. If you want more info on Toy Poodles try visiting a breeder near you and ask them some questions.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Any reasoning for the toy instead of a mini or standard?
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Liesje

    Any reasoning for the toy instead of a mini or standard?

    Well, there are a few reasons I would like a toy, but I do love the others too, but...
    1. My great grandma had a toy poodle and she was a very sweet dog, and I wanted one since I was 5
    2. My dad said I couldnt get a large dog (I still live at home)
    [:D]  [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Toy poodles are great! I *would* look for a larger toy, but for some reason, there are TONS more toy breeders than minis. (I have my heart set on a mini.)

    here are some links I'd start with: - has a GREAT poodle board with lots of good folks to talk to. (Havegotten most of these links from them, frankly.) - if you've got your heart set on a red or apricot - my VERY favorite poodle website, Versatility In Poodles - a site with breeder listings and really strict requirements - the Poodle Club of America (look up your local breed club.)

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks a ton for all the good information!!
    • Puppy
    HI, If you are still looking for toy poodles, I know a breeder that is getting out of them due to health issues and she is in Iowa.  Not too too far, at least next door!  If you are still looking send me a private message.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm picking up a miniature apricot tomorrow night. I did most of my research with the breeder, and some on the internet. I agree with what everyone else has said about temperment, that's why I went with one. Hubby doesn't want a large dog, I don't want a small dog, I have a 3 year old, 3 horses and 2 mini donks. The breeder, who breeds toys, too, said that I should have no problems training the dog to behave around my other life variables.
    Good luck in your search!