I got to thinking, how about a basenji?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I got to thinking, how about a basenji?

    Some of you may have read about my other thread about wanting to get another dog, one that was high energy (not bouncing off the walls), smart and nice with other dogs, pets and people.

    I was thinking about a toy poodle, rat terrier but now came across the basenji....

    Does anyone have any experiences with basenjis....if so can you tell me what their temperment is, like are they uncontrollably  hyper...or are they more mellow?

    If I do decide to get a Basenji, I found a rescue were I am thinking about adopting from in the future, when I get my dad's okay for getting my pup...

    Thanks in advance!
    • Gold Top Dog
    PM Agilebasenji.  She's got two.  I know she does agility with one.
    • Gold Top Dog
    They can be very stubborn, is all I have to say about those dogs [;)] Very pretty, though...
    • Gold Top Dog
    The adjective I hear most often in regards to basenjis is "cat-like". I've never met one in person though, but I'd love to some day!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Very independent.  Make sure that temperment is an important issue to breeder. 

    Not for the beginner.
    • Gold Top Dog
    PM Agilebasenji. She's got two. I know she does agility with one.

    She did and I replied.  Actually I have 2 and 1/2 (6 month old pup) and have done agility with both of the boyz - Zpuppy is in training.  [;)]
    But for any lurkers out there, here are some good websites for checking out the breed:
    (make sure you read those reality stories)
    And while they don't usually bark, please keep in mind they are not mute.
    • Silver
    Ive never realy had ine of my own but have herd they have fun personalities
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've met several and can say that if you want a challenge as an owner, get a basenji.[:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've met several and can say that if you want a challenge as an owner, get a basenji.

    That from someone with a Pharaoh hound![8D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: agilebasenji

    I've met several and can say that if you want a challenge as an owner, get a basenji.

    That from someone with a Pharaoh hound![8D]

    If she had said "How about Pharaoh Hounds?" I'd have said something to the effect of "How about a bullet in the head?  They both have the ability to make you crazy!"[;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've known a few basenjis. My Italian Greyhounds love it when they are at the dog park. As soon as they get together all they do is run, play tag, and wrestle. I think they are similar in personality to IGs, LOTS of energy, LOTS of trouble, but a whole lot of fun if you happen to be an adoring fan. [:)]

    • Gold Top Dog
    The handful of pure bred  basenjis I've met have been ;pretty dog aggressive. My friend has a basenji/boston terrier mix that's not as bad, though. Still pretty bossy and dominant, but doesn't try to kill every dog that walks down the street. From what little I know about the breed, they're not really my cup of tea, but to each their own, I guess.