Could anyone please identify this dog breed???

    • Puppy

    Could anyone please identify this dog breed???

    I had this 99.999% similar looking dog as the picture when i was a kid. I want to know what the name of the dog is because I want to adopt this specific kind when I'm able to. Does anyone know?? I've researched whereever I could but the closest I could come to was a pomeranian but I'm absolutely sure it's not. It's size is small/medium.
    • Gold Top Dog
    That would be a mutt. Sheltie, maybe pomeranian, who knows what else is in there. Charming little dog - looks like that wee thing might be a bit shy. The expression in particular is what reminded me of a sheltie.

    When you grow up with a really great dog that's probably a mixed breed, the best way to find a dog that will meet your future expectations is to list what you liked most about the dog. Chances are it had little to do with what the dog looked like. Loyal personality, smart, size, a mischievous personality or a quiet one, fiestiness or biddability, certain mannerisms.

    Then you just look for a dog that lines all those up - you'll have to prioritize because it will be very unlikely to get the exact combination of a former heart dog again - that's why they are special. But you can find another dog that will please you if you keep your mind and heart open and are patient.

    Good luck!