Another "guess what my puppy is"

    • Gold Top Dog

    Another "guess what my puppy is"

    This is Rafe...I recently adopted him from the HS here, and they originally had him down as a "pit mix," but when I said I couldn't have any "pits" or their mixes, they changed him to a boxer/shepherd mix...  So, anyone have any clues on what he may be?  At first I didn't think he looked like a pit at all, but now that he's beginning to get a little meat on him (he was skinny to begin with, and then had parvo just a couple weeks ago), I'm thinking that maybe he does have some in him.  Let me know what you guys think!  [:D]

    • Gold Top Dog
    i don't think he looks pitty. He kinda looks like a dutch shepherd...but they're pretty rare. How big is he?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I thought the exact same thing when I saw him in the shelter!  He's not big enough, though, and his ears definitely aren't "shepherdy".  He's only about 30lbs right now, and about knee-height on me (I'd guess maybe 15 inches), and he's 6-7 months old, so he probably won't get much bigger.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well, there goes my idea.  I see Shepherd, but in some of those pictures his face reminded me of our Lab (expression, not color).  So I was thinking maybe Dutch Shepherd/Lab.  I can't think of anything on the small side, compared to a GSD, that he could be mixed with that would result in his brindle coloring.  Gosh, he is a good looking pup, whatever he's mixed with!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Rafe is gorgeous- I love his smile!
    I have no idea what he is - 100% cutie? I do see the similarities between him and Pocket, though!
    Maybe he's a lab/hound mix?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't see any pit.  Boxer maybe, GSD in that face, some lab maybe, hound?...who knows?  That's a cute mutt!  But if pit is the important factor...I'm not seeing even enough pit to say "pit mix".
    • Silver
    He looks just like my Max!  This is an older shot.  He's 6mos now about 35lbs.  I'll post more pics.  He also has the black on the tongue.  I've ran into people who've told me he's a Dutch Shep Lab, A K-9 trainer told me he's looks exactly like the Dutch Sheps he uses, except for the ears which he thought were labby. Boxer Lab, Plott hound.  My thinking right now is the shep/lab mix.  He loves to swim! Very high energy, alert, intelligent.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow, he looks just like him!  I thought he looked a lot like a Dutch shepherd, but they definitely aren't common around here.  I've never even seen one in person!  I'm not sure if he likes to swim(haven't taken him anywhere to test that out yet, but we're actually going on a canoe trip tomorrow, so I guess we'll see then!), but he's definitely very intelligent and high energy, although he's still very very!  And he has black on his tongue, as well!  I'd love to go with the Dutch shepherd mix because I'd actually looked into getting one (Dutch shepherd or Beauceron).  I was thinking pit possibly because of his size, but he's just not beefy enough really.  If he did have pit, it would be a very small amount.  And I just don't really see the boxer or plott hound, either...  Thanks for the input!  :) 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Dutch Shepherds are unfortunately getting much less rare. They get a couple of really obvious mixes every year at the big metro shelter the next county down.

    Depending on where you are, he could also be any of a number of cur type dogs or hound mixes. Here in NC he could definitely be a Plott hound cross - elsewhere, maybe not so much.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I live in Missouri and we mostly have retrievers, pointers, and shepherds.  There are quite a few hounds, but I've never seen a plott around here.  Curs are common, though.  You don't see too many working dogs like the Malinois or Dutch shepherds around here because there just isn't much to do with them.  The nearest Schutzhund club is two hours away, and people just don't seem to be "into it" around here.  Most dogs are either herding/hunting dogs or pets.  No fun stuff for doggies...  :(
    • Silver
    Dutch Shepts. seem to be getting more popular.  Their coat is very unique. I think the brindle throws people off.   It can come long, short, rough, smooth and any color of brindle.  Max carries his tail like a Dutch Shep and I would absolutely say from what i can see as of now, he is a working dog.   He keeeps me working thats for sure!!!!  As he gets older there'll be more clues.
    Dutch Shepherd info.
    • Gold Top Dog
    i had a puppy JUST like that a while back when i was a kid, named Butch, because he was brindle like a bulldog. looked identical this one. he was a GSD,.Bulldog mix.... he was an accidental breeding between neighbourhood dogs. the mom was shepherd/chow and the dad a bulldog.
    i couldnt keep the puppy - though i really wanted to - my mom talked me into letting a friend have him. i got to see him all the time. so yeah.... memories from my childhood, that looks a lot like Butch...

    and even if he is a shepherd mix the ears wont always look like a shepherds. they certainly have the same size as a shepherds.... but if he isnt full grown you wont know what those ears will do. for example, some spitz breeds have dropped ears as puppies but eventually turn erect, like the Korean Jindo.
    this dog may have rose ears when he is full grown..

    i also think he's a beauty!!
    and no i dont see any "Pit Bull" in him.. i see more shepherd and possibly golden... either parent may have had some pit mixed in there, but it isnt evident enough to say he is "Half" pit or even a third or quarter... or what ever terms they use.
    he's just a brindle mixed breed. and there are several brindle breeds in existence that arent pits....


    is it just me or does anyone else see grey hound in that long face?
    • Silver
    Thanks for the info DumDog, all the input helps!  I was going to name him Butch too, but I was voted out.  He looks like a Butch.
    Here are some more pics of Max
    • Gold Top Dog
    It might help if you told us how does he behave in general?  any obvious herding behaviors? does he bark a lot? is he nippy and bossy? bouncy and clownish?
    • Gold Top Dog
    He doesn't have any herding behaviors, but he has a very strong prey drive.  At first I thought he may have been a little dog aggressive, but I think that mostly he just wants to play with the other dogs and just gets really excited, though he's getting better about that, too.  He hardly barks at all.  He has to be really wound up about something to bark...  He's also a very submissive dog.  Just a loud "eheh" makes him stop whatever he's doing and look at you and hunker down a little (I've never beaten him, of course, but I can't say that no one else has since he's a shelter puppy).  He is really mouthy and licks a LOT, but we're working on that.  He's also a very clumsy puppy.  He often doesn't look where he's running and smacks into the door frames...[:D
    We went canoeing the past couple days and he did wonderfully!  Absolutely loves water...  I'll have to post some pics later.  [;)]  We got so many compliments on him.  One person floating by said, "Now there's a good dog."  I was so ;proud!  And we got some interesting suggestions on his breed...two that come to mind are "rottweiler mix" and "dingo."  [:D
    Maybe that will help out a little... [:)]