Blue Lacy?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Blue Lacy?

    One of the couples we hang around with had considered buying a Blue Lacy, but I'd never heard of the breed. Looked it up & apparently it's the "official dog of Texas." Anyone ever heard of or had any experience with one?
    • Bronze
    Must have been some breed owened by a state legislator. I've never heard of them.
    • Bronze
    I almost got a Blue Lacy- was in touch with a breeder and everything.  They are used to hunt, herd and as pets.  Beautiful dogs--Not too big but pretty active.  i actually didnt get one because I was worried the dog would be bored with my suburban life in New York.  Theyve been bred in Texas for over 100 years for use on farms.  The official site is  I think theyre a great looking dog---i love that bluegrey coat.  Someday when I move out to the country,,,
    • Gold Top Dog
    Lived in Texas what 9 years now...never heard of them. Read up a bit..."coyote"??? LOL....
    • Gold Top Dog
    The "coyote" was probably a scruffy old time collie dog. Same type that is the ancestor of today's Aussies, English Shepherds, and McNabs, plus numerous other rare American herding breeds.

    This is a very typical "cur" breed, with the emphasis more on herding than hunting and protection. Wonderful to see - I'd never heard of them before.

    The dog looks like a Hanging Tree cow dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ere's a link.