
    • Silver


    I know this thread may be a bit awkward, but how does everyone feel about hyena's as pets??  Many Africans keep them as house guardians and they rarely have problems:

    • Gold Top Dog
    Just like most exotics, they are NOT pets.  They do not belong in the household.  Hyenas have extremely strong jaws and I suspect they could kill you easily if they wanted.  The only predator they have to worry about are big cats such as lions.  They are not canines at all.  I'm sure you need special permits and have to meet certain housing requirements to keep them.  Even with that, I do not agree with them being kept as "pets."  
    • Silver
    Colleen, most dogs have strong jaws and could kill half your household easily, do we therefore destroy all dogs??

    They may not be canines but they've been kept as pets in Africa for thousands of years without any problems, in fact they have lower agressive problems than domestic dogs

    • Gold Top Dog
    Do you have statistics to back that up?
    I'm skeptical of those pictures. Photoshop can do amazing things.
    • Silver
    ORIGINAL: Jewlieee

    Do you have statistics to back that up?

    I'm skeptical of those pictures. Photoshop can do amazing things.

    I dunno if this helps:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyena

    I'll see if I can find more Hyena material
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: TallWhite

    Colleen, most dogs have strong jaws and could kill half your household easily, do we therefore destroy all dogs??

    They may not be canines but they've been kept as pets in Africa for thousands of years without any problems, in fact they have lower agressive problems than domestic dogs

    DO NOT try to put words in my mouth.  I NEVER said anything about destroying because of their strong jaws. 
    Their jaws are much stronger than any dog.  have been domesticated for thousands of years in order to get what we have today.  They are not at all like their wild cousins.  Humans and hyenas may be able to coexist, but they are not at all domesticated.  It is like keeping a lion in your house.  They are wild animals and belong in the wild, not in a house.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: TallWhite

    ORIGINAL: Jewlieee

    Do you have statistics to back that up?

    I'm skeptical of those pictures. Photoshop can do amazing things.

    I dunno if this helps: [linkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyena]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyena[/link]

    I'll see if I can find more Hyena material

    [linkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africa]"African[/link] attitudes toward hyenas are little better than those held in the [linkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_world]Western world[/link]. The majority of African tribes view hyenas as [linkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inedible]inedible[/link] and greedy hermaphrodites. "
    That says nothing about Africans keeping them as pets...in fact, it says the complete opposite.  Being inedible in a place where most animals are considered edible for survival is not a good thing.
    • Silver
    ORIGINAL: ColleenC

    ORIGINAL: TallWhite

    ORIGINAL: Jewlieee

    Do you have statistics to back that up?

    I'm skeptical of those pictures. Photoshop can do amazing things.

    I dunno if this helps: [linkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyena]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyena[/link]

    I'll see if I can find more Hyena material

    [linkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africa]"[/link]. The majority of African tribes view hyenas as [linkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inedible]inedible[/link] and greedy hermaphrodites. "
    That says nothing about Africans keeping them as pets...in fact, it says the complete opposite.  Being inedible in a place where most animals are considered edible for survival is not a good thing.

    OMG Colleen, who said anything about Hyena's being edible, I surely wasnt going there!!
    **Content Removed**
    • Gold Top Dog
    I hear trolls make great pets though. They're all over the internet, so easy to find!
    • Silver
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well, you notice that in every photo the guy has a big stick...know what that is for?  TO BEAT THE ANIMAL. 

    The hyena is in no way meant to be a pet.  They have a proto-culture that is more bizarre than anything canine related.  Their social structure is completely matriarchal and follows bloodlines. 

    Should they be pets?  Should Rhinos be pets?  Alligators? 
    • Silver
    ORIGINAL: Xerxes

    Well, you notice that in every photo the guy has a big stick...know what that is for?  TO BEAT THE ANIMAL. 

    Well Mr. Xerxes, no animal was harmed in the making of this video :rolleyes:

    As to your other isues, no animal was ever beaten, and if they were they'd have me to answer too, and I'd personally take care of them!!

    Should Rhinos and alligators be pets, probalby not but  Hyena's are beautiful animals that ought to be our pets of tomorrow!!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hyena's are beautiful animals that ought to be our pets of tomorrow!!

    Want a pet Hyena.  Here you go:  [linkhttp://anwo.com/store/hyena.html]http://anwo.com/store/hyena.html[/link]
    • Silver
    ORIGINAL: timsdat

    Hyena's are beautiful animals that ought to be our pets of tomorrow!!

    I already have a pet Hyena, I wish you guys would lighten up  FFS !!!

    • Gold Top Dog
    So that's you with the stick and the hyena?