I'm not sure which breed...help pleaseee

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not sure which breed...help pleaseee

    I was talking to my dad today...and we went into a petshop because I always like looking at all the puppies there. On the way home I asked him..."Will we ever be able to get a third dog...? and he says "If you raise enough money and I know you set a firm goal to raise money and get a puppy...we will see. It will be your dog...Get a job and I'll think about it. It isnt a yes or a no...so I'm just not promising."
    The way I am, when I really want something I set my mind to it and adventually get it. Just like what I did to get my chinchilla, I worked really hard, I researched and everything and when I raised enough money over 2 months I was able to set out and get him. I am soooo HAPPY I got him, he is so sweet and happy. I'm planning on doing the same thing with a dog. We have two right now, but they arnt my dogs and I want one to call my own, to take places with me, to make decisions for it on my own. I want be able to take my dog everywhere with me, and not having my parents telling me that I cant take their dog to my friends. I want a dog that I will be responsible for, make choices for and be a mom to.
    I dont know what breed to get. Right now we have a Corgi and a Golden retriever, and my sisters have a papillon, boston terrier, and 2 english bulldogs (each at their own houses). I want a small-medium sized dog. My dad is against pits (I dont know why...) I am in LOVE with them! But its his house...and his rules so no pit. I want a dog that is hyper, but not jumping off the walls, that it easy to train, and willing to learn tricks. I am still a teen so I am active and will have time to spend with him/her.
    Does anyone have any suggestions...?
    • Gold Top Dog
    It looks like you're into agility and sound experienced enough and active enough for an active dog.  What about a Papillon?  They are small, very smart, and great for agility.  Either that, or maybe an Australian Shepherd?  Since you've got the Corgi, you have experience with a herding dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    What about a Staffordshire Bull Terrier? They're pitties, but they've got a great reputation that you might be able to sway your dad with. (If, however, it's a home-owners insurance problem, you probably can't do anything about that. And, now that I think about it, they're hard to have in rental housing, which would be difficult when you moved out on your own.) You might take a look at Boston Terriers, too, as they seem to have some similar personality traits, and they can be such clowns. One of the dogs I walk regularly is a pug, and he's a blast to train, and a very nice size.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I was thinking about all the small breeds and I really like the toy poodle.....or some kind of poodle mix. They dont shed and they are really nice dogs, and seems like they would be easy to train. My great grandma had one for 13 years but she past away a few years ago.

    Does a mini or toy poodle/poodle mix sound like a good match for me...? I have seen some in agility and they seem to really enjoy it. Since my grandma's poodle was old I dont really know what the breed is like really...my grandma's dog just sat in your lap and always wanted to be carried. Is this what most of them are like most of their lives or are they lively little dogs that are crazy...? I'm going to do more research on the breed but I just wanted to know if any of you know anything about toy/mini poodles...?

    I was also thinking about getting a rat terrier....?

    Thanks for all your help!
    • Gold Top Dog
    My dad was just rubbing Charlie's belly, and he starts talking to him, and says.."Ohh man Charlie....are you gunna be ticked when our third dog comes to the house...?"
    So...I'm thinking thats a pretty good sign!
    Usually he is the first to say no to any new pets that I wanna get...and now he is the one talking about getting a third dog!!
    Ohh man am I excited!!
    Still need help deciding on which breed to get....
    Any more breeds you would reccommend...?
    • Bronze
    How about a Brittany.  Theyre beautiful, active and smart.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've heard that Jack Russels are good dogs.  Never owned one myself but they are hyper little dogs!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think the Miniature Poodle sounds like a wonderful choice for you! They're one of the SMARTEST breeds out there. They can learn just about anything that you take the time to teach them. I'm sure they would be wonderful for agility. Just keep in mind that they need professional grooming at least every 4-6 weeks and daily brushing.

    Another good thing about the Mini Poodle is that when you move out it would be really easy if you wanted to find an apartment with them. It's hard to find an apartment that allows large dogs and almost impossible to find one that will allow Pit Bulls or any bully breed.
    • Gold Top Dog
    A Labrador Retriever, Belgian Malinois, Standard or Miniature Poodle, or an Australian Shepherd.
    Where are you located? I might be able to find a few dogs for you if you give me your general location.