Labrador Rescues in Maryland

    • Silver

    Labrador Rescues in Maryland

    I'd like to adopt a Lab from this rescue group:


    Is anyone familiar with it?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I am!

    That's where my boy is from [:)]! One of my friends from work is also very involved with the organization. I've volunteered at a few adoption days, and have had a great experience with them. Any specific questions, feel free to ask.
    • Silver
    Cool! I'm really excited about them! I showed my boyfriend the website last night and he was like, "I want a dog from there!" I LOVE Labs and so I think the chance to help a lab in need of a home would be a great experience!

    Can you tell me more about the evaluation and home check process? Like what do they look for?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I actually didn't apply in advance of the adoption day, so I didn't have a home check prior to the adoption. I went to the adoption day to help out and "just look"... whoops [&:]. Anyway, I filled out the application there, spoke with one of the adoption coordinators for a while, and she confirmed that Riley would be a good fit. Then we took a little "getting to know you" walk and went through the paperwork. They did a follow-up home visit a week or so later to make sure that everything was as it should be, answer questions I had, etc. There is also a phone number you can call to contact them with follow-up questions, concerns, etc.

    As far as what they look for... what impressed me was that I didn't get the "there is only one type of perfect dog owner" vibe from them. What they strive to do is to figure out, for each applicant, what dog would work and what dog wouldn't. For example, my initial age preference for a dog was in the 1-year-old range, but, as the adoption coordinator pointed out, a 1-year-old lab is maybe not the best choice, given that I live alone and work full time. A slightly older dog can handle being at home alone for a stretch without eating all of my furniture [;)].

    They definitely will want to see that you've thought through how much of a lifestyle change it is (if it's your first dog in a while), that, if you don't own your home, your landlord is pet-friendly (I had to have an executed copy of my lease with me to get approved), etc. As with most rescue organizations, they are very specific about having all pets spayed/neutered, and pets must be indoor - no sleeping outside in a dog house. Also, if for any reason the adoption does not work out, or if (even in the distant future) something happens in your life that would necessitate giving up the dog, they must go back to Lab Rescue.

    This has gotten very, very long, so I'll stop there. If there's anything else you'd like to know, please ask. Overall it's been a great experience. Not without its challenges - Riley is still a little anxious at times and is inexplicably terrified of men with military haircuts - but it's incredibly rewarding to know that you've helped give a dog a new start!
    • Silver
    So, they wouldn't say, "well your yard isn't very big so we don't think that a lab would be a good match for you?" we're in the process of redoing our whole yard anyway as the previous owners had it all landscaped and so there isn't much of a yard to play in right now. We're taking all the landscaping out so that we and a dog if we were to get one could enjoy it more. Plus, my boyfriend's mom has a large yard and a black lab that ours could play with on a regular basis. My boyfriend's sister has a yellow lab that we could have play dates with and my boyfriend's sister's boyfriend has 4 chocolate labs that ours could have play dates with as well! *LOL* Plus, we live in a large neighborhood so we'd definitely take the dog for at least 2 walks a day and we live near a park with a dog beach so that would be fun for all of us.

    I also like the rescue not only because it's helping a dog in need but also because the dogs come already trained and housebroken! All I have to do it love it!

    We'd never confine a dog outside. It would either sleep in a crate or on a dog bed in our room with us.

    Did you change your dog's name when you got him or did you leave it the same? I've read that dogs don't really care about their names anyway so changing it wouldn't be a big deal for them.

    • Gold Top Dog
    They definitely won't eliminate you based on size/availability of yard.  I don't even have a yard - I live in a 1 bedroom apartment [&:]  The main thing is that you're committed to getting it whatever exercise it needs.  Riley and I go for a 1-hour run every morning, an hour-long walk in the evenings, and visit the dog park whenever possible.  Lab Rescue was fine with all of this.  They basically said (and are correct!) that there can be very happy, fit dogs that live in apartments, and there can be miserable dogs that have a huge yard but just sit in one place all day.
    The fact that you already have lab playmates is awesome [:)]  I can't wait to go to my parents house in NY next week so Riley can meet our Golden and swim in our ponds!  Where do you live that there is a dog beach??  I would drive there in a heartbeat - the little stream I've found just doesn't cut it.
    Re: names... I would have changed it if it was something awful, but I was ok with Riley, he had had that name his entire life, and it's what's on his papers, so I stuck with it.  I've had friends that have changed names easily, though, and said that their dogs did fine with it.
    • Silver
    We live in Pasadena which is about an hour away from Arlington with good traffic. I know, I drive there for work everyday.[:'(]  Downs Park has a dog beach. If you don't have a yearly pass the fee for a day visit is just $4. They not only have the dog beach but they have miles of nice biking/walking trails, grilling areas, a concession area, and great views of the Chesapeake Bay. Like I said we're not going to be going through the adoption process until probably next summer or so as we'd like to get the yard done before the dog gets here. Once we do get ours though maybe they could have a play date with Riley! That would be fun. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have *totally* been to that park for a company picnic - this was several years ago - and I remember it being beautiful! I might have to take a trip out there some weekend... the idea of a doggie beach is very appealing!

    p.s. I CANNOT believe you drive from there to Arlington every day. Ugggh does not even begin to describe it.
    • Silver
    Yeah the drive sucks. Especially the evening rush hour on Fridays. On Fridays it takes me 3 hours to get home. I'm starting a new job at Ft. Meade which is way closer to home next month though so I don't have to put up with it much longer. I think though that I've become a better driver since starting work there. Now whenever people complain about "Maryland drivers" I totally understand! [:D]
    • Silver
    Hey Monkey! I have another question if you're still around. When you go to the Adopt-a-Lab Days how does that work? Do you just go around to all the dogs that you think you'd like or do the dogs approach you? 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Am I still around? This board is like crack - I can't stay away [8|].

    Basically, they have a couple of different "tables" you go through for admin stuff. Table 1 is where you talk to your adoption coordinator (or apply for adoption if you haven't filled out an application previously). Once you've talked to the adoption coordinator and have been approved, they will generally suggest a few dogs you should check out based on your lifestyle and preferences.

    The dogs are all outside with their handlers, and you kind of just wander around and see who you like [:)] You can obviously take the dogs for little walks if you decide you're interested in one, etc. The adoption days are a little chaotic, but are a good opportunity to meet a lot of dogs at once. If I were going to do it again, I might apply well beforehand, so that if there was a dog that the coordinator thought was good for me I could potentially meet them at their foster home, because all dogs don't necessarily make it to a given adoption day.
    • Silver
    *LOL* I know, I'm addicted to this board and I don't even have a dog!

    Cool. I'll probably go to the Adopt-a-Lab Day in August. Sounds exciting!
    • Silver
    Also, what did you do when you helped out at the Adopt-a-Lab Day you found Riley at? I don't think they'd want me to be a transporter since I don't have a van. I guess I'd be a better belly rubber or greeter than anything else. *LOL*
    • Gold Top Dog
    I got to be a handler - it was so fun [:)]! I learned a bit about the dog I was to handle, and introduced her to people all day long. The girl I know who is more involved with the Rescue says that they pretty much always need handlers at these things. I'm pretty sure there's a link on the Lab Rescue page if you're really interested in volunteering. I had a great time and would recommend it!
    • Silver
    Sounds fun! I'll check that out.