pit bull info anyone?

    • Silver

    pit bull info anyone?

    has anyone any info about pit bulls?
    is there any difference from staffordshire bull terrier? (they look kind of the same)
    i have heard that they realy hard to train and not very good for a first time dog owner
    i have read very controversial things about them and i dont know what to believe anymore[sm=asking03.gif]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Okay, well one, they're only a bad dog for the first time dog owner if that owner isn't willing to train their dog and learn all they can about their breed. Especially seeing as Pits are such a controversial breed. These breeds are actually really sweet dogs IF raised correctly. A lot of them do become dog aggressive to strange dogs as this was bred into them. But some don't and some can get used to puppies, just not older dogs. My mom's Staffy is like this. She hates adults dogs, but has gotten to be good with puppies, so much so that she didn't even try to attack my Shepherd mix when I brought him home. And Pits are no harder to train than most dogs.
    As far as info: this is a link about the difference, or lack of, between pits and staff's.
    This link is to a rescue that works with Pits and Staff's and they have quite a bit of info there.
    There is nothing wrong with the breed, just some of the people who own them.
    • Silver
    thanks for the links .helped a lot
    and  i have watched some heartbreaking videos about them in youtube[:(]
    thanks again[:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    There is not such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners.  That's the way that I see things.  I have 2 pibbles and they are the greatest dogs!  Mine were very easy to train and they absolutely love my daughter!  If this would be your first dog, you have to put forth the time to train and socialize the dog.  As Shiva said, they can be dog aggressive but that's where socilaizing comes into play.  I got my second pit when he was 8 weeks old.  My other two dogs were almost 3 and 4.  They all get along great but it took a lot of time and effort to get them to accept each other.  I do not leave them together.  I am always there to supervise them. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well, American Pit Bull Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers are different breeds. From what I understand, the staffy bull is smaller in size.

    There is less difference between APBTs and American Staffordshire Terriers, though.

    Another good website to check out for rock solid pit bull information is www.badrap.org

    As someone mentioned in an above post, it is all about how they are raised, and partly about their genetics. There are unstable dogs out there of all breeds. APBTs are in a bad spot right now in terms of over breeding, and in an even worse spot in terms of misrepresentation by the media which causes mass hysteria!

    I wouldn't say that they are hard to train, in fact, they really are people pleasing dogs, and will generally do what you ask them to because they want to make YOU happy.... however, they are very very strong dogs and bully breeds in general can have a stubborn streak.

    They are incredibly sensitive dogs and do not respond well to harsh, punitive training. +R is very effect for bully breeds.

    In addition to this, owning an APBT demands great dedication on your part. Part of the importance of training them well stems from their strong nature, but also the fact that the pit bull community asks that you represent the breed in a positive way. You want to ensure that you are raising and "ambassador of the breed." The better your dog is, the better reflection on the breed as a whole... and we really need good representation these days!!

    If you think you are up to it, then by all means, continue your research!!!
    • Silver
    thanks a lot for all the replies and for the links
    i am really starting to like the staffies ...not that i can tell them apart from the other[:)]
    i  met a breeder yesterday and well i'm going to have my first dog!! in 10 days!!!!
    unfortunately i am aware of the public opinion and i am a bit ashamed to admit that i almost believed that  this breed could be somewhat more aggresive than others although it did not make much sense but they really can make you pelieve something like that!every time there is a dog attack you can be 90% certain that they say it was from a pit bull!!!at least that is what happens in my country (greece)
    i have met the dogs from the breeder and they are both adorable and dont get me started about those puppies soooooo cute
    anyway thanks for the replies and when i get the puppy i will definetly post some pics!!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    lol i dunno, maybe i've just been looking at them long enough, but i dont have any trouble at all telling them apart [:D]
    but i have been following the bull breeds for over ten years now....

    pit bull


    Staffordshire Bull Terrier

    the way i see it.. no they arent for first time dog owners ---- sometimes. it all has to do with your own personality. you can own dogs your whole life and STILL not be a good candidate for a bulldog. you can even own large breeds like labs and still not be the best person for a bulldog.
    you CANNOT be weak minded or weak bodied. if people can push you around and do what they want... so will your dog. i own American Bulldogs and they know who they trick and who they cant. the pit bull we have is also of the same mind, but she isnt really into force. she's more sly and sneaky than she is physically pushy, but they may have more to do with her being a stray than it has to do with her breeding.
    now its also a case by case basis.... not all bulldogs want to get away with murder or create mischief. I know more than a couple of pit bull types that are happy and content to just lie around and be floor mats and couch cushion warmers. but i also know a couple that will wreak havoc on the neighbourhood if they ever got loose.

    they like to have fun. everything is a toy. they're... terriers lol what else can you say other than that?