Dogs for people with allergies

    • Gold Top Dog

    Dogs for people with allergies

    I have a friend with a dad who has allergies, they had to rehome their retired police dog German Shepherd because of his shedding. Are there any dogs you'd suggest out there for people with allergies?? Can anyone give me info on Curly Coated Retrievers and Poodles? Do Chesapeake Bay Retrievers shed a lot? Do Labs shed a lot? What about pit bulls? They want a large dog, about the size of their brown nose pit bull, Rupert. It surprises me that their rescued pittie doesn't bother his allergies, but what about other pit bulls?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Labs shed like crazy. Out of my three dogs, Lexi the lab mix, generate 80% of the fur I clean up. Our pit bull and Aussie are also shedders. If your friend's family has given a dog up in the past because of allergies, what would keep them from doing it again?

    My sister and mom are both allergic to dogs, but get weekly shots so they can have them as pets. That's something your friend's dad could look into.

    • Silver
    Labs shed ALOT.  You might try the labradoodle or goldendoodle which are mixed breeds of lab/giant poodle.  There are quite a few in our neighborhood and most of them do not shed.  However, it is not 100% guarenteed not to shed.  From what I understand, the 2 generation has a better chance of not sheding.  Poodles are best for people with alergies so look for a poodle mix- there are usually quite a few at the shelters because they are mix breed, not pure breed- but usually really great dogs- check out
    • Gold Top Dog
    I know that Carin Terriers would be a good choice for people with allergies... I lived with one--no shedding at all!
    • Silver
    Hairless breeds and dogs with very short coats like greyhounds probably wont shed as much as other breeds.

    I cant tell you about Curly Coated Reterivers but Flate Coated Retreiver are big, clumsy, furry, goofs. xD I suggest if you get one have a plan for taking some sport or activity with them to help burn off all their energy.

    Poodles do not shed all that much but need clipping.
    • Gold Top Dog
    One of my sisters' kids has allergies to many things, including dogs.  My sister is a dog-lover and did her research.  She got a Standard poodle (large) and he has worked out great.  So great that she and her husband got another standard poodle.  My nephew has no allergy problems with these dogs, and they are indoors most of the time.  They wanted a big dog which is why they got Standards, but if you want a smaller size you can surely find a smaller poodle.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Here's the thing about pet allergies: It's not really the hair. It's the dander and the saliva that most people are allergic to when it comes to pets, and no matter what sort of hair, all dogs have dander (dead skin cells) and all dogs have saliva. Dogs with non-shedding coats have LESS dander generally than dogs with shedding coats, so if dander is the problem a non-shedding dog can work out. But it could be saliva a person is allergic to in which case all bets are off.
    The problem with mixing a nonshedding dog like a poodle with a shedding dog like a lab is that some of the pups will have lab-like coats, and some will have poodle-like coats, and some will be in-between, and when dogs are puppies you can not tell what their adult coat is going to be like.
    Why not just get a standard poodle? I dont' understnad the need for labradoodles and goldendoodles at all since the standard poodle has many of the great qualities that labs have (after all, poodles are water-retrieving gun dogs just like labs) without the crazy shedding coat.