The Official Bree Post! What is she?

    • Gold Top Dog

    The Official Bree Post! What is she?

    I don't think I've ever done a "what is Bree" post, so for kicks, give me your ideas! I've a few pics, and a video that may help. She's 3-1/2 years old, about 22-23 lbs. She is double coated. She blows coat twice a year. She makes a strange baying noise when she's surprised, and is all about sniffing out things and crittering. She's very smart, quick to learn, super agile, but hard to keep focused sometimes... her nose takes her over. She's good with balls and frisbees, loves toys. Slightly reserved with new folks. Food hound.

    [link¤t=BreeVideo.flv]Bree Video[/link]

    What do you guys think?
    • Gold Top Dog
    OMG, is she a cutie!  Given her looks and you're description, my guess is Sheltie/Beagle.
    • Gold Top Dog
    mostly Border Collie?
    • Gold Top Dog
    That's some underbite! Maybe that's a clue...hmm
    • Gold Top Dog
    That's some underbite!

    Oh yeah, I'm glad you mentioned that! She does have a pretty significant underbite, but I suspect it's a genetic flaw (as opposed to specifically a breed trait).

    For some help, the people I got her from said her mom was a "lab mix" and her father was a "blue tick hound". They also had an intact male border collie.

    She's very independent. She's about what's in it for Bree. She's also very sweet.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well, you know what I think, and I have the advantage of having seen a lot of her in person.

    BC is pretty obvious, and so is beagle. Not from the pictures, but both of those struck me immediately the first time I met her. There's no sheltie in her. She's too damn-the-torpedoes for a sheltie and cares too little about her people to be an Aussie. She's got a BC "my way or the highway" attitude combined with the houndy "What's in it for me?" life motto.

    I actually have strong leanings towards cocker being in the mix somehow also, or some other type of spaniel. It's possible the sire was a hound/spaniel mix and the dam a BC/hound mix, which often looks like a lab mix.

    She works sheep exactly like a beagle. That is, pretty much not. [:D] I forget, did we try her on ducks? I know we did Zippy.
    • Gold Top Dog
    [:D] Nope, we didn't try her on the ducks. She is definately interested in chickens - but it's more of a chase them and eat them if you can sort of thing. I don't know how that would translate to ducks, but I can imagine. I'm really tempted to give her another go on my sheep now - in the small paddock.

    I dunno if I can stand all the yarking though. [sm=rofl.gif] The ear-splitting bark thing might just drive me crazy.

    I can see the possibility of some sort of spaniel also. Definately "my way or the highway" and "what's in it for me" are her two most prominent personal statements. Oh yeah.