Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog
Anyone? Anyone? I am always looking for others who own this breed but they are few and far between . . .
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shiba or jindo?
I got my dog from a shiba rescue organization, but the more I read about jindos, I'm beginning to think maybe that's what she is. She is 19" at the shoulders and about 34 lbs, which makes for a big shiba, especially for a female. She also definitely fits the behavioral description of a jindo...
Buying Boxer in 6 Months
Hi, I just joined this group. I am planning on getting 1 or 2 boxers in about 6 months. I always like to research and be prepared when I start something new, so I joined this group. This is even more important when buying a dog because my actions affect me and my new pets. Anyway, I'll just start...
Chi or no? My friend insists this dog is a Chi mix(as listed). Personally, I don't see any Chi, but IG maybe a bit of MinPin and a tiny bit of Dachsund(side pic), but no Chi. What do you guys think?
Serious Boerbeol questions
I recently put to sleep Bender, my pitbull rescue dog from Hernando county, a victim of improper breeding. For those of you who don't know Hernando County is the dogfighting capital of Florida, and when they found this dog he was very injured. After the loss of Bender I've been looking into getting...
The "Not for Everyone" Breeds
I thought this might be a helpful place for those of us who own "not for everyone" breeds to post our breed, and the reason why newbies might want to investigate thoroughly before getting one. Australian Shepherd These are dogs with "strong herding and guarding" tendencies. They...
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I love rottweiler because...
Dear friends! This is a post for rottweiler lovers, pleace live your note "Why do I love Rotties" I love rottweilers because, they are best friends of men indeed, rotties love and deffend their families and lots of reasons more.. In central asia, there is a really bad thing going on.. People...
What am I mixed with?
I present: Ivan the Terrible. He was a rescue from an abandoned litter of 12. We're pretty sure he had a good chunk of Rhodesian Ridgeback, but what else? he didn't have a ridge. He was 69 lbs full grown, though he looked bigger than that. Puppy -
Rat Terriers, Bichons, & Doxies?
Who owns them on here?
American Eskimo
Hey all! I'm just wondering if I'm the only lucky owner here of an American Eskimo dog. My boyfriend and I rescued an eskie named Bear from  eople that abused him. His collar was held together with duct tape (stuck to his fur) for goodness sake. There were a lot of trust issues and he...
Help me pick a dog
Hi, my family wants to get a dog and the main person who's going to take responsibility for it is my 13 year old sister. I would, but I'm only home for the summer and then I have to go back to college where I can't have pets in my apartment. My sister has never had a pet before really, unless...
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Hello, i have an 8 year old labrador retriever and i am looking to get another dog. I was just wondering what type of dog i should get. My house is a normal size house with a pretty big fenced in yard. I am going to be active with both my dogs and will be with them for most of the day every day. It is...
Any English Setter Owners?
[align=center] [font="trebuchet ms"][color=#000066]I have had English Setters all my life but they aren't too popular of a breed. Any other English Setter Owners here?? [8|] [/color][/font]
Allergic To Dogs
Hope I'm in the right forum! My sister-in-law desperately wants a dog, but she's very allergic to them. Somebody told her, and I sorta remember this, that it's not the dog hair that's the problem, it's the dander. Okay, but somebody else told her, I think it was a groomer, that there...
Identifying German Shepherd Mix
Hi everyone, We got our dog from the pound as a puppy and he was labeled as a German Shepherd Mix. We've had him for about 7 years now and he is around 75 ish pounds. I am wondering if anyone can take their best guess as to what he is mixed with. He is obviously not pure German shepherd, and...
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What type of dog is Thunder??
ok his owner died and I have no clue what type of dog he is can anyone help? [/img]
finding out what you mix breed is
Hi, I am new to this forum but couldn't resist when I read how many people are wondering what their mix breed dog is. I don't know if it is listed somewhere else, but did you guys know that there is a company that can tell you what your dogs primary breeds are, you send them a sample using a...
Color Disqualifications
Has anybody else noticed how many breeds are having to write color disqualifications into their standards? It's sad! The Dobes had to do it when the white mutation occured, now the Labradors with the silver, the Yorkies with the red and tan, etc. Now somebody just posted about blue merle poodles...
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Beagles good or bad?
I live in an apartment along with four other people and many visitors. Would a beagle be a good breed for living in an apartment? I've heard that they bay and howl, but are they really that bad? I would love to hear from some beagle owners. Thanks
golden retriever
i have a 5 month old golden. i was wondering at what age her hair will get long.