Identifying German Shepherd Mix

    • Silver

    Identifying German Shepherd Mix

    Hi everyone,

    We got our dog from the pound as a puppy and he was labeled as a German Shepherd Mix. We've had him for about 7 years now and he is around 75 ish pounds. I am wondering if anyone can take their best guess as to what he is mixed with.  He is obviously not pure German shepherd, and i have no clue who ihis parents are. If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated. Here are some pics:

       I'm really sorry about the image size.. now i know why it took forever to upload them. I jave to get to work right now and didnt have time to resize them. Sorry.
    • Gold Top Dog
    He looks like a real sweetie. I'm going to guess Collie with GSD.
    • Silver
    My family seems to think rottweiler/Germ sheph, due to a shorter snout. What do you guys think about this assumption?
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Ghrim

    My family seems to think rottweiler/Germ sheph, due to a shorter snout. What do you guys think about this assumption?
    I don't see rottweiler in him, looks more like Chow to me, that would explain the shorter snout. He could also have a little collie in him, he sure is a handsome boy! [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Is it just me or does his tail seem kinda short?  He's got the pattern of a GSD, but his snout, ears, tail, and overall structure aren't that GSD.  His face does look kinda Collie, so I'll vote for GSD/Collie.

    How tall is he at the shoulders and how much does he weigh? 
    • Silver
    Chrim, my friend I'm sorry but I'm 100% sure that there isn't any bit of blood in this dog's vens of rottweiler..
    • Silver
    I absolutely agree with "Stacita" I think that there is some of Collie in your dog too...
    • Gold Top Dog
    How big is he? He looks smaller than a full GSD, but it could just be the pics. I'm going to say GSD x Sheltie, but if he's bigger, then Collie.
    • Silver
    I'm not sure how/where to take the measuremenets, but from the floor to his shoulder is about 25 inches, and from his neck to the base of his tail is about 30. He is small for a gsd
    • Gold Top Dog
    Actually 25" is within standard.  Mine is 21" and she's about an inch shorter than the standard prefers, but she is tight and compact (agility dog).  Many BYB and pet mill GSDs are much to tall for the standard.

    The desired height for males at the top of the highest point of the shoulder blade is 24 to 26 inches; and for bitches, 22 to 24 inches.
    • Silver
    hmm, thats interesting to know. A lot of GSD's i see at the humane society i volunteer at are huge. Some police K9 training dogs live up the street from me, and they tower over my dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    He looks a bit corgi - ish to me.
    • Gold Top Dog
    He looks to me like a GS/Collie but what do I know! lol