
    • Puppy


    Hello, i have an 8 year old labrador retriever and i am looking to get another dog. I was just wondering what type of dog i should get. My house is a normal size house with a pretty big fenced in yard. I am going to be active with both my dogs and will be with them for most of the day every day. It is summer now but I will be attending school but when i am not there my mom doesnt work so she will be with them. I am going to adopt a dog from the local humane society. What type of dog should i get that will get along with the dog i have now?.I was thinking more of a smaller type dog that is young because my house isnt huge and since my lab is pretty big, i would like a smaller dog but one that is still energetic and playful.

    Any help is appreciated.
    • Gold Top Dog
    A few questions you might think about to help decide...
    Think about your dog's temperment first.  You want to make sure that they will get along well with eachother.  :)
    Is shedding an issue?  I know Labs (at least mine did) shed a LOT at certain times, so maybe this isn't an issue.
    Some dogs require a lot of activity, and it sounds like you'd probably be well-suited with a fairly active dog, but maybe not as far as a Border Collie-type dog.  Keep that in mind, as well.  :)
    Really, I tend to think about health and longevity a lot.  Some breeds tend to not live as long as others, or are more prone to health problems, and I want my dog to be with me for a long time!  That is a risk you take getting a dog from the HS, though.  Mine is doing great now, and I don't regret getting him.  It's a good feeling knowing that you literally saved a dog's life.  Congrats on the decision to adopt, and good luck!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I would take your dog along to the humane society and see if the staff can help you pick.  At our HS, we require all family members and other dogs to meet before the dog can be adopted.  Often it will depend more on which dog your dog picks than which dog you pick.
    • Silver
    Get a Rottweiler, they are the best! "for me, lolz!" really, they are very good dogs...
    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: Liesje

    I would take your dog along to the humane society and see if the staff can help you pick.  At our HS, we require all family members and other dogs to meet before the dog can be adopted.  Often it will depend more on which dog your dog picks than which dog you pick.

    Great advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!