Serious Boerbeol questions

    • Puppy

    Serious Boerbeol questions

    I recently put to sleep Bender, my pitbull rescue dog from Hernando county, a victim of improper breeding. For those of you who don't know Hernando County is the dogfighting capital of Florida, and when they found this dog he was very injured. After the loss of Bender I've been looking into getting a purebred protection dog.

    Just to get this out of the way, I am an experienced owner of large dogs. I owned a Beaceron (French sheperd) for 14 years which is a very dominant, high energy, protective dog. Currently I own an American bulldog who is very sad about losing his buddy Bender who he used to play with for hours upon hours every day. I'm looking to get him a new friend.

    I have to say Cartman, my American bulldog has to be the best dog I've ever owned, here's some of the things I like about him that I am hoping will be similar in my Boerbeol: He's extremely friendly and LOVES spending time with me, he's very lazy so I don't have to worry about him chewing the wrong things, knocking over trashcans, and things of that nature, and he was easy to train.

    What bothers me is that if someone ever broke into my house Cartman would probably just lick them to death, then lead them over to where I keep my money.

    I want to know if the Boerbeol is a high energy dog. I cannot stand high energy dogs, the Beaceron had to have taken 10 years off my life chewing up the furniture and and breaking into food cabinets on top of the fact that if I took him on a 5 mile jog it didn't seem to tire him out at all (true story). I did get a kick out of watching him challenge my friends for their position on the sofa though.

    I also want to know just how protective the Boerbeol is, beceause informational sites describe him as a dog that will attack strangers if you're not in the room to stop him and all of the breeding sites say that their dogs are "even-tempered" which sounds kinda like a salespitch but you can never be too sure.

    As far as the dominating dog factor goes, I'm positive I can handle this. I was told that my Beaceron would challenge me all the time but due to my firm training he only ever once decided to challenge me so I alpha rolled the 130 lb dog and he never tried that crap again.
    • Gold Top Dog
    If I'm correct, this is the breed of dog my co-workers son and daughter in law own. He's a big boy, she brought in pictures of him and to me he just likes like a LARGE Boxer, floppy ears and a docked tail. As far as high energy, they are a mastiff breed and most mastiffs aren't very energectic, but this dog also looked rather scrawny compared to... say, a Bull Mastiff, so they may be different. Or he could just be young and not filled out yet. I don't remember how old he is. But my co-worker did not say he had a lot of energy, just that he was very strong.
    As far as the temperement, your best bet would be to find a breeder and ask them what the temperment is like. My co-worker had him when her son and daughter in law were out of town and she didn't say he was aggressive, just that he woke her up with barking when her one son came home in the middle of the night.
    Hope that helped a little.
    • Puppy
    hello we have just rescued sarah a 2year old boerbeol about 2 months ago.  she was born in south Africa and was abused in america.  she is a very high energy drive dog.  in two months she has gone a full circle as far as her temperment with other dogs, she is fearful.  she is our third mastiff and bodi our 2 year english/japanese mastiff has helped her with her fears he is not protective of the house. as far a protectiveness each dog is unique she barks at night if anyone comes to the door, would no doubt bite a burgalar.  my cousin has a american bulldog female that is very protective!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    its sad, as rare as the boerbeoul is, they are abused in the country where they are the rarest.....
    but i am glad to hear this one is turning around. i hope you continue to have good luck

    i also have american bulldogs.. and i love the protectiveness [:D]
    • Puppy
    Boerboels are farm dogs, so they call for energy. If they don't have it, what good are they for their purpose?

    Granted, there are more docile individuals, and looking closely at a good breeder, seeing about reserving a puppy (with a money-back guarantee if you do not pick one) and learning about individual dogs might work out for you, if you're extremely patient.

    I have had a protection trained Dutch Shepherd. He was very laid back, but he had energy bursts throughout the day. He was not an intimidating dog (if that is what you're looking for) but he was one of the best I've owned and was titled for his abilities. At the moment, I do not have a guard dog. With the way laws are these days, I do not feel safe owning another protection dog as a mere guard dog for my home, because if something does happen, the justice system somehow lets it be that the dog needs to be put to sleep for attacking someone, regardless of the situation. It's just not something I am going to go through.
    I have watch dogs, and they have gotten the job done several times. Their sheer size alone stopped my house from being broken into during the night while I was home alone more than once. Though, their barks probably attributed to that too, and the fact that there's so many of them.

    Good luck in your search.