Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
German Shepherds
I have always wanted a German Shepherd. I am still a year or two away from being at a point where I could get one, but I am doing all the research I can. First off, has anyone had any negative experiences with owning a German Shepherd and homeowner's insurance? My dad works at an insurance company...
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AKC paperwork messed up any suggestions?
I decided to mate my Yorkie with another and was not charged a fee; we agreed to pick of the litter. I did not know the dog was not registered in the ladies name - it was registered in a friends name who lives out of state. What do I do??
anyone have a CCR?
no, not credence clearwater revival [ ] but a curly coated retriever... i have always wanted one, but my husband thinks they look wierd. (i think they look like him with that curly hair!) what is your ccr like? will you post pics? id love to hear abiout them!
Boxer male stud
*soliciting is not allowed on this site*
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Black Lab / Austrailan Shepherd
Just thought I would post something cute! [ ] This is our new puppy, Princess! She is a 9 week old Black Lab/Austrailan Shepherd mix!! Everytime we go out, everyone assums that she is a rotweiller because of her colors!! A small percentage of the time people assume that she is maybe a german shepard...
Wondering about pits and dog aggression...
Basically I'm trying to figure out if you get a pit bull or pit mix puppy at 2-3 months old, and socialize the bejesus out of them, what're the odds of them developing dog-aggression later on? I know all pits are not dog aggressive, I live with one who at 7 1/2 years old has barely ever even...
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Dalmatian shedding solutions
We are first time Dalmatian owners of a 14 year old boy and his shedding is AWFUL. I have lived with Labs, and we also have a little Lab mix, whose shedding I thought was bad, but this is the worst. It's all the little short hairs and it just piles up when you pet him. I have tried all different...
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My fiancee and I are looking to bring another dog into our family but we aren't sure about which breed would be best. We currently have two doxies and want a third dog to complete our family. My fiancee really a dalmatian but I don't know enough about the breed to make up my mind. I have read...
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Portuguese Water Dogs?
This is DH's breed of the week. Background: Kenya is currently our only dog, purbred GSD, 4 yrs old. After a year of researching breeds and making sure we had the right finances and living situations for a dog, I got Kenya through a rescue (the rescue picked the dog). She is mainly my dog. Per our...
Yorkie-Poo, any advice??
Just got a Yorkie-Poo a month ago. So far he's doing all the things puppies do. It would just help to hear advices from other Yorkie-Poo owner! Thanks a bunch!!
The truth about isabella doxies?
Hi everyone. I was just it true that the isabella/tan doxies are prone to skin problems and is usually associated with puppy mills and backyard bereeders? I found some information I have never heard of before on this site: has anyone heard of...
Info on which breed(s) to look at....
Hi everyone...I am , obviously new to this forum. I have a few questions, if y'all could help me out a bit I would appreciated it greatly! The family (the hubby and the nine year old daughter) have been riding me for a dog for a very long time, to which I have successfully held my ground. Until...
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What does this dog look like to you? It looks like a Pomeranian but they do not say he is. I think he might be part papillon . What do you think?
Breed Expert we need help ??
When rescued "Bizcocho" they told us he was a Pointer/Bichon mix. The people at the pound thought , no way. He is a Standard Schnauser mix. Well.... we looked up German Wirehaired Pointer and we feel he might after all be what the owners claimed it to be. Our Vet thinks he migth have Collie...
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any ideas on these guys???
There are three...two blacks and a yellow. Probably lab X with something???? all are 8 mos old, and around 50lbs and pretty mellow. They are new fosters coming into the one rescue I volunteer with and I was considering fostering one, but I need to go meet them first.
Mixed Breed ID?
I am trying to ID my dog smokie I think? She is a border collie english setter or french brittany cross. She is aggressive with strange dogs and very energetic. Any guesses on breed will be appreciated for training purpouses. Are border collies agressive. The pound thought spaniel but I don't She...
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Jack Russels
Ok, i have been thinking about getting a jack russel, and I was wondering, are they pretty similar to the fox terriers for like training and everything (maggie was a NAUGHTY puppy! lol). thank you!
I Have A Question..Well A Couple..First How Much Do Mini Poodles Usually Go For? Second Are They Hyper Active Dogs? And Third Dog they Male Good Family Dogs..With Children? The Reason I Ask Is Because I Am Interested In Buying One For A Family Pet..And There Is A 19 Month Old Little Boy In The House...
Australian Shepherds...
I posted a few weeks ago asking about great pyrenees...after doing some researching and seriously considering some of the things the posters on my last question said, I've changed my mind. In the past couple of weeks, I've gone from german shepherds to boxers, but I think I've finally found...
Need breed information/suggestions
Brief background: I’m just starting college this fall, and so I won’t be getting a puppy (probably) for 3.5 to 6 years, but I want to start figuring out what breed I want now. I’ll want to do obedience for sure, and I’d probably like to show the dog in conformation as well. I have lived with German Shepherds...
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