Breed Expert we need help ??

    • Bronze

    Breed Expert we need help ??

    When rescued "Bizcocho" they told us he was a Pointer/Bichon mix. The people at the pound thought , no way. He is a Standard Schnauser mix. Well.... we looked up German Wirehaired Pointer and we feel he might after all be what the owners  claimed it to be.  Our Vet thinks he migth have Collie in him because of the markings on the "tips". He is almost 6 months and weigths about 26 lbs. About 18 inches from shoulder to toes.
    Any indeas??? Thank you !!!!

    ps.- he had 3 other borthers.  One looked totally wirehaired. One was fluffy and had a lot of white in him.


    • Puppy
    Oh good grief. There are so many possibilities of what this guy could be.... I laughed when I read bichon/pointer mix because that seems like such a totally random and improbably cross, but sure, why not. He could be. I could certainly go with a bearded collie (not regular rough collie) mix, but beardies aren't all that common. Or, heck, we could go with something rarer still and say he was a Polish lowland sheepdog mix. German wirehair pointer or a pointing griffon or schnauzer or any of a number of wire coated terriers are all plausible contributors to the mix. i could even go with maybe some Portugese water dog, although again they aren't very common. I think you are just going to have to consider him to be the perfect type specimen for the rare but adorable Tasmanian bearded snogglehund.
    • Gold Top Dog
    What are his personality traits?  The first thing I thought of was some type of poodle mix.  His hair and face look very similar to all these doodles that I see around every where.  The coloring could be from a border collie. 
    • Bronze
    Thank you for your response! Yes, very hard to pin-point the breeds indeed!!!  Bearded Collie was in our thoughts and so was the pointer griffon. He has pretty thin hair. Not much of a down. But he is a puppy still so that could change. He is extremely smart, so we do think he might have collie in him.
    Thanks again!!!
    • Bronze
    He is very smart, very very smart, and almost spooky!!! He loves to cuddle. Likes to nibble, jump and play.  Does not bark (at least not yet) except when playing rough. He loves kids. Very laid back. In the mornings, if he is sleeping you can forget about going potty!!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    One thing to remember is that breeds like the griffon just aren't all that common, so the likelihood of one getting out and able to pair with another breed is slimly possible, but not likely.
    I'd second some sort of poodle or terrier mix
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm going with a poodle mix or a "doodle" if you prefer.  Those are very common mixes now and he looks very similar to a number of them that I have seen.  He also resembels an Old English Sheepdog/Great Pyranese mix that I know but smaller.  But, my final answer is a poodle mix.
    • Gold Top Dog
    looks just like the dog i grew up with...eerily so! and the personality reminds me of her as well.

    Cuddles, my childhood dog, was a cocker/poodle mix. but not the cockapoos you may think of...she looked terrier, like your guy, and also had soft soft fur.

    my mom, not a dog lover, bought her with the promise she wouldnt shed....wrong! she shed like mad!

    with memories of cuddles my most recent dog is a poodle mix from a shelter... very mouthy, chewy, licks alot, smart, and mellow.

    so i also vote for a poodle mix.

    added: also the picture of him sitting so so so straight and elegant? my guy does that as well.
    • Silver
    He's got the outline of a Beardie puppy but the coat is rather sparse for him to be pure. Maybe Beardie mix? How big/old is he?
    • Bronze
    Whatever, he looks like a real character- a real cute character- and I am sure that he keeps you on your toes....Enjoy him
    • Puppy

    He looks like my cousins schon   (a bichon scnauzer mix)  she looks exactly like that

    So thats my best guess hes to small to be a pointer mix  becauye they are a dominant breed and almost completly over ride there mates geanes so they look almost all pointer (germen wire haired)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know what it is, because I have one like him.  Without a doubt, his mother was a dog, and his father was a dog.  He's a dog!



    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks like a labradoodle to me.....26 pounds though, so probably not, but likely some kind of doodle mix. They come out looking wirehaired sometimes, at least that is what I was told by a neighbor who owns one.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks like a Schnoodle (schnauzer/poodle) to me.  There are many variations to their colorings and so forth, but the first thing I thought when I saw him was Schnoodle.  He's a cutie.



    • Gold Top Dog

    It's going to be awfully hard to ID a puppy, but I have this suspicion he'll turn out to be a Beardie mixed with BC or Aussie.

    News flash!  First mixed breed EVER to make it to the second round of the USBCHA sheepdog trial finals!  His name is James and he's a Beardie, Border Collie cross. 

    Well, I just found another thing I don't like about the quick interface - you can't get to another window to hunt for pictures.  Be back with pictures.

    Edit:  Ok, pictures

    Here he is working:

    James (BC/Beardie) working sheep

    Running (front)

     Pretending he's a circus dog and not a top level sheepdog competitor: