Mixed Breed ID?

    • Bronze

    Mixed Breed ID?

    I am trying to ID my dog smokie I think? She is a border collie english setter or french brittany cross.  She is aggressive with strange dogs and very energetic.   Any guesses on breed will be appreciated for training purpouses.  Are border collies agressive.  The pound thought spaniel but I don't She does point.   Her fur ranges from long and silky to long and rough.  She sheds in loose clumps but has a healthy shiny coat.  Pictures are in my profile.


    John Runer

    • Gold Top Dog

    The build and ticking scream australian cattle dog to me, likely crossed with BC like my girl.  ACDs are often known for being pushy/reactive with other dogs - my girl certainly can be.

    • Gold Top Dog

    durned if she doesn't resemble a Munsterlander



    • Bronze

    I thought she resembles munsterlander too!  Look at  french brittanies field bred they also resemble her color patches black and gray  on her side.  Are munsterlanders pointers?  She can point with tail up or straight back.  She was found loose on a large ranch so blue healer and border collie are probably primary breeds but her tail and the pointing behavior have me baffled.

     Thanks for the replies, 


    • Gold Top Dog

     What do her ears look like?  Are they pendulous?  If not, I don't really see anything but Border Collie.  She looks like a dog that was bred by a friend of mine.

    She's the one on the far right, obviously.


    • Bronze

    Thanks for the replies her ears are dropped ears normal length,  thats why I don't think there is any spaniel as stated by the pound.  I do think she is a border collie/ blue healer,  yet with her pointing  tail up I think an english setter was thrown in to the mix.  What is your friends dog is it straight BC/ACD cross?  I found out munster landers do point.

    John Runer

    • Gold Top Dog

    Has she been around birds? If not I'd test and see...if she's birdy I'd believe the setter/spaniel mix.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Not BC crosses, those look like purebred working stock border collies to me :) working BCs look a lot different than the fancy (coughcough*useless*coughcough) AKC "show BCs"



    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks like the dog I am dogsitting right now, who is supposed to be a Brittany mix. I think that could be right, but yours looks like she has a little bc in there too. I'll guess brittany x border collie.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Depending on where you are in the country, it wouldn't surprise me if she was a BC x bird-dog-of-some-flavor cross- Brittany, Springer (not as likely), or setter (although field-bred setters tend to be light on ticking).      

    • Gold Top Dog

    My friend's dog is a purebred Border Collie.  All the dogs in that picture are littermates (purebred BC) except the one to the far left, which is a very near relative. Their mother was in the National Finals this week and their sire is the National Cattle Trial Champion for this year.