I have had my Dalmatian for 10 years. Shedding with Dals is common. The diet is very important along with brushing. My new groomer suggested this new rubber brush. It is a "Safari" by Coastal. It has made a world of difference. I also changed his food about 8 months ago to Candiae Platinum. It has also made a huge difference. If I keep up with the brushing 2 times a week he barely sheds at all. He also loves this new brush. It's like getting a massage with the rubber fingers on it.

As far as the excessive drinking, I had the same problem. I had his thyroid checkied by 2 different vets and they found nothing. I then went to a Holistic vet that was very familar with the breed and he found a thyroid problem. He has been on Soloxine 0.4mg and he now drinks normal. He also was getting bladder infections which have stopped since the Soloxine.

I'm now dealing with the knee problems. I am told this is common to the breed. He is on time released Glucosamine/Chondroitin and Previcox. His back legs shake excessively. He has his good days and bad days. I think the time released product is making a big difference though. He doesn't seem to be moaning as much now when he lays downs.

With all his health issues he has a heart as big as NYC and is the most loving loyal dog I've ever had! I wouldn't trade him for the world!