Portuguese Water Dogs?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Portuguese Water Dogs?

    This is DH's breed of the week.  Background: Kenya is currently our only dog, purbred GSD, 4 yrs old.  After a year of researching breeds and making sure we had the right finances and living situations for a dog, I got Kenya through a rescue (the rescue picked the dog).  She is mainly my dog.  Per our agreement, DH gets to pick the next dog when he graduates (second degree).  First he wanted a Boxer, then a lab, then a Beagle.  Now he wants a PWD.  There are 4 of them in my current obedience class and today during our rally class, DH spent the whole class getting to know the club owner's PWD.  I know nothing about them so I'm wondering what others think.  DH is a laid back person and mainly wants a family companion type dog that will like jogging with him, playing fetch, and must enjoy being around water.  DH is not really interested in obedience or dog sports beyond the necessary socialization and obedience, he just prefers a dog as a house companion and for playing with.  He prefers breeds/temperaments that are inherently more outgoing than my German Shepherd (she is fine with strangers, but is indifferent and will follow me rather than investigate a stranger.  He would expect his dog to approach people with a wagging tail).  Does a PWD fit this description?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think your DH might do very well with a Portie. *MOST* of the Portie people I know are involved in obedience or agility, at least on a 'fun' (not necesarily commpetitive) level, but not all, and they have marvelous personalities. They're not exactly a couch potato, but they're not a BC, either. Most of the ones I see are happy, outgoing dogs with a nice energy level and great sense of humor.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Not a lot of useful info to share, but my parents' Bouvier was raised in a litter of Porties. (His litter was huge and a Portie had a litter around the same time and played Mom to some of the Bouvs.) His "mom" was lovely, good with new people and smart. She was a conformation dog, and had been well socialized, so I am sure that played a part.

    Through my limited exposure with his breeder, I have always thought they were really nice dogs.

    The kennel was Deewal, but I think the breeder (Claire McLean) is retired because she has been in poor health.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anyone know of any reputable kennels?  When I start with a breed I know nothing about, I like to check out some kennels and see what the dogs are supposed to look like and such.  I know nothing about these dogs!  Now I really have never liked dogs with curly hair, but these are growing on me.  Not that it matters since it's DH's pick and I'll be thrilled just to have another dog, period!  Maybe I can get him into rally.  He comes to class with us, but for reasons that need not be explained in this thread, he cannot "handle" (as in, work with) Kenya for rally, at least not yet.  Maybe he will consider it when he has a dog that will put up with him.  One of the reasons I am encouraging this pick is b/c I'm hearing that they are great family dogs and we would be closer to that point after DH gets to pick his dog.  I know breed only accounts for so much, but I don't see myself with three cats, a dog already, and the possibility children going out and getting an akita. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    The only time I've been around a PWG was the one in Dena's first agility class. He was a really nice dog, a little bit older than she was, maybe 14 months old, and quite attentive and well behaved. The wife was training him in agility, and the husband was doing the water sports with him. I didn't see them in the level 2 classes the following Spring or Summer so I don't know if they continued, but he did very well in level 1. He got along fine with Dena and the other dog in class, but didn't appear particularly interested in them, or the people either. But then, he was supposed to be paying attention to his owner since we were in a class, I have no idea how he was outside of a class setting.

    a family companion type dog that will like jogging with him, playing fetch, and must enjoy being around water. 


    He prefers breeds/temperaments that are inherently more outgoing than my German Shepherd (she is fine with strangers, but is indifferent and will follow me rather than investigate a stranger.  He would expect his dog to approach people with a wagging tail). 


    What's funny is that your hubby's requirements describe the personality of my German shepherds perfectly, lol! They love to run, could chase and retrieve balls for hours, love water and are incredible swimmers, even in ocean currents. They are extremely outgoing, love people, and will approach anyone (humans and dogs alike) with those tails going a mile a minute. I realize they're not necessarily typical in that regard, but truly, neither of them have an aloof bone in their body. Kinda weird for a shepherd I guess.



    • Gold Top Dog

    I can't get him into shepherds, no matter what I do.  I won't push though, since there's more than a few breeds of dogs I have less than zero interest in!  Based on our experience with Kenya, the shepherd is too aloof, indifferent, and velcro for him.  He wants something that's more outgoing (to everyone) and not as attached to one person.  I personally don't want a dog that will walk up to a stranger on it's own accord with tongue lolling and tail wagging (doesn't mean I want a fearful, leery, or aggressive dog, just a dog that is indifferent and follows my cues first).  I have NO intention of doing any PP training with Kenya (she absolutely does not have the nerves or drive), but she does serve as my protection as far as visual deterrence and just asking her to stop in a stand and "watch" me keeps the meanies away.  He would be OK with the annoying dog that knocks you over when you try to come in the door and jumps in your lap uninvited. Kenya is also indifferent about water.  She loves to run and play in it, but it's not as if she sees it and is beside herself with excitement.  She'll go in the water if I am by the water and she jumps off the dock if I ask her to.  I also think he's just not attracted to the shepherd *look* like I am and he doesn't have the same appreciation for the working structure and the nuances of different lines.


    If I had my way, we would have a pack of shepherds (oh and a Mal and a Dutchie). 

    • Gold Top Dog

    The porties I've met are a bit aloof, they will accept me petting them, but they are not gregarious like a golden or Std poodle (which personally I'd perfer, but the word "aloof" is actually in the basenji standard).  Some I know have had a bit of a sharp temperment, but most are nice.  (I'm basing this on about 8 dogs I've known)  I do know there are two different coat types - wavy or curly.  I really liked them on the whole, but DH quickly nixed them b/c of the "strange" hair-do's.  He picked out the Malinois.  Actually when I read your description of what he wants, I thought golden.  Maybe flatcoat. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love PWDs and I researched them quite a bit when looking for a dog....DH didn't like them so that's how I wound up with a German Shorthaired Pointer. Don't misunderstand, my Gizmo is perfect for us---but I was soooo hooked on PWDs! I have seen a couple of different PWDs with strange kids falling all over them at football practices and they were very steady, even-tempered dogs.  BTW They aren't slobbery "hey are you my new best friend?" dogs, but they are friendly.

    A great place to start looking is the PWD club of America. When it comes to info about the breed and puppies they go above and beyond.For example, on their list of available pups they list the info for CERF, OFA, Optigen and GM for both parents of the litters. http://www.pwdca.org/puppies/lists/puppies.html

    The "getting a puppy" section is packed with info and they used to mail out these packets with all this stuff in them.Here is a downloadable version on the mail packet: http://www.pwdca.org/puppies/  They have a list of members who are also breeders so you might find one near you---you may even find one with an older pup or adult available.

    They have an e-list which will be having a discussion temperament discussion in November---there is a link on the homepage to it. I think you can join just for that discussion or  maybe join for information purposes.

    NB: The national speciality is going on right now so if you try contacting anyone and it takes a while to get back to you that might be because they are at the show.

    I think the closest sanctioned club to you is the Chicago one: http://pwdchicago.org/index.htm I know they have a Yahoo list but I don't know how active it is. ****Personallly I found a couple of Yahoo lists about GSPs super helpful when looking for info about breeders and dogs.

    I wish I had some more personal info/impressions to give you other than that all of the PWDs I've met and seen at shows have been great dogs. The kennel names I have seen most are local, so they may not help. Watermark, Ebb Tide and Pouch Cove come to mind. Ch Watermark Sy Bolero is an awesome obedience dog with multiple UDX and I think a couple of agility titles.

    Good luck with your search.