AKC paperwork messed up any suggestions?

    • Bronze

    AKC paperwork messed up any suggestions?

    I decided to mate my Yorkie with another and was not charged a fee; we agreed to pick of the litter.  I did not know the dog was not registered in the ladies name - it was registered in a friends name who lives out of state.  What do I do??

    • Gold Top Dog

    What do you do about what? What is the problem exactly?

    It could be that you have learned a very valuable lesson. Make sure you know everything about the dog you're mating yours with, including registration information and medical background.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Registered to a friend who lives out of state? Doesn't that sound really fishy to you? I wouldn't buy it.

    Seems to me that you got the shaft. There's a lot more to breeding than just picking a stud. You should have the pedigree history of the dog you are mating to, health checks, etc. At this point, I think that you should just do what you can and find the pups good homes. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    if the friend out of state is a co owner or sole owner, on the b*tch than NONE of the pups can be registered without them signing off...and attempting to do so or forging a sig (not that you would or your friend would)...can get you a fat suspension.

    • Gold Top Dog



    Assuming that you own the female, what are you going to do if there is only one puppy born?  Very likely in toy breeds.  And what if that one puppy is born in the middle of the night on a Sunday via c-section.  C-section at an e-vet could cost you a pretty penny and if there's only one puppy and the other person gets it, you're out a lot of money and no puppy.  Hopefully momma will make it through fine. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    if the friend out of state is a co owner or sole owner, on the b*tch than NONE of the pups can be registered without them signing off


    Ah. Thank you for the explanation, rwbeagles. Sounds like the OP may have a problem on their hands.

    Mzsassy, have you talked to the owner about this? What do they say? Is there any way the new owner can  transfer the registration to their name? Otherwise, it sounds to me as if you cannot register the puppy(ies). I don't know much about breeding, but I know it takes a lot of care and checking of details. It seems to me that all of this should have been known up front. And more importantly than being able to register them is the medical information. Even if your girl is perfectly healthy, the male could be passing on any kind of condition that affects this breed...

    • Bronze

    The puppies were born Aug 23, 2007.  The persons name on the registration lives in PA. and is dying of cancer.  Current owner has been in contact with her.  I don't know if she will be able to sign off on paperwork - being up to it.  If not I will just have to sell them with her name on them.  They are both Males.  Just won't be able to register them.  Does anyone know how to go about getting this through? and what the process is?

    • Gold Top Dog

    sigh..... as the other posters said you can not register them without the documentation being signed off on.  This may be done by the legal owner, by the legal owner's  family member with POWER OF ATTY...this sadly is a necessity in many cases of  terminal cancer. I would contact her, send her a few snaps of the pups, if you could put snaps of both parents in I'd do that too...it could very well make her whole day.

    You can call the AKC and request they talk you through each step.  They are really nice and have always taken the time to answer an question I have ever had.      

    They aren't very old and as a good breeder you will most likely keep them both fro several more weeks so you have time to try to straighten everything out.

    The comment about "selling them with her name on them" confused me....  ??  The dogs would have your name as owner of the dam, and the legal owner of the stud... not anyone else's name.  I know you may feel like you are taking a bit of flack about all of this, but breeding is not a casual thing for most of us. We plan it out , carefully testing and picking pairs. Some people , like me will not use stock that hasn't been championed and tested.  I want to improve the breed and worry a great deal that if careless I could hurt it.  Since this is an all breed list and that includes some beautiful and much loved mixes none of us want to encourage random breeding or breeding to sell pups as a job ...

    I hope you are able to work things out, but most of all I hope the pups end up in wonderful forever homes adored and family members ...not just an accessory to the outfit of the day.