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News & Entertainment
Has anyone seen the movie/read the book Their Eyes Were Watching God...
I need to know if a certain part that was in the book was in the movie or not, because I don't remember. I'm writing an essay comparing the book and movie, and while I think this part was left out of the movie, I all of a sudden got worried and thought maybe it was there and I am forgetting it...
Good dog panties?!
It looks like we may need to find Z some good undies if she wants to continue to have couch privileges (she has an incontinence issue - see Health), but I have no idea where to find good looking/working ones. Specifically, they need to be reusable, comfy for the dog, absorbent (i.e. not just for females...
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Nikon Camera Question
Ok so my camera has decided to really not preform how I want it to, so I'm in the market for a new one. I am well aware nikon is the way to go from all the chat around here. My question is which one to get!? Budget is really not a problem but I would prefer to stay in the 5-600$ range or so. My pictures...
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Dog Reading Groups?
Hello! So StubbyDog has a fan on our Facebook page who has a Pit Bull that is a certified therapy dog. She would love to have her dog participate in a reading program for children (where kids practice their reading skills with a dog). However, no such program exists in her area. Do you have experience...
Tips on teaching a weanling to pick up his feet?
Lolyn, my almost-6-month-old weanling colt, is doing really well at pretty much everything. He leads will, ties reasonably well, stands for a bath, and is generally pretty well behaved. BUT, for some reason, I am having a helluva time teaching him to pick up his feet. For whatever reason, he thinks...
Student time
"Student time is a precious phase of growth and discovery. It's a time of forging lifelong friendships, exploring passions, and expanding horizons. The blend of learning, curiosity, and youthful energy creates an environment like no other. Embracing this period fosters not only academic development...
rw-Need some ideas for my game
For Lily's sleepover I am having them do the Who Am I? game. That's when one person wears a job or type of person on their forehead without knowing what it says..then the others try to get them to say what they are using only gestures or body language. It's usually a lot of fun... I need...
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Urgent question about "bruising" after surgery
Our dog Phoebe (she's a 10 year old beagle lady) had surgery yesterday. The vet removed 2 mammary gland tumors and 2 nipples. She's acting fine but in the last couple of hours these bright red spots have appeared around the incision. Not directly on the incision or by the stitches but around...
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Dog Playing Football Like a Pro (Brazilian dog)
Man's best friend is also his best soccer mate. Amazing dog playing ball with its owner at Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia. Credit:Mauricio Oliani watch?v=Rd vqESi M4
Sad Day in the Horse World
I got emailed yesterday that Debby Malloy Winkler was taken off life support and passed away. It seems, and I don't know many details at all, that she had a riding accident last Friday. Debby was the oldest daughter of Henry and Vivien Malloy, and was an accomplished Grand Prix rider. She spent most...
Box Tops for Education
This is kind of random, but if anybody collects Box Tops for Education and doesn't have a specific school to give them to, I'd gladly take them! PM me and I can send you my address. Thanks! *Note: Be sure to clip the one with the expiration date . A lot of times they'll put the logo on the...
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The Herding Group - Videos
The Herding Group, created in 1983, is the newest AKC classification; its members were formerly members of the Working Group. All breeds share the fabulous ability to control the movement of other animals. A remarkable example is the low-set Corgi, perhaps one foot tall at the shoulders, that can drive...
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Medical Alert Systems (Lifeline/Life Alert etc)
As many of you know my mom has been battling Cancer on a off for the past 3 years. With all of the treatments, and long term side effects of the treatments, she has become more weak and frail. It sucks watching your parents age so quickly before your eyes. In the last year, she has fallen at night twice...
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How to choose investment in gold or cryptocurrency?
This is a very good vor. There are certain points that you should pay attention to when deciding which asset to invest in. We will explore the various variables to consider, as well as the differences and risks between gold and cryptocurrencies. You can find all this on the mining in uae website https...
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Pumpkin, the best playmate ever!
Check out these two adorable buddies!
What is a good book title?
A captivating book title, according to to hire a book writer , will pique your reader's interest. "Don't judge a book by its cover," as the popular saying goes. While this proverb serves as a useful reminder not to place too much emphasis on first impressions, authors and publishers...
Need ideas for a research topic
I have to write a research paper for my Comp. 2 class, it's not a huge one though - 1,500 words I think.So that part in itself is not so bad. But... we have to pick our own topics, about something that interests US. I hate it when the professors give you this much wiggle room... =/ SO naturally...
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Fortune Tiger Game
Tiger-fortune is an intriguing website that offers a unique perspective on the Chinese zodiac and the tiger in particular. The site provides insightful information on the characteristics of those born under the tiger sign, as well as tips for enhancing one's good fortune...
bottoms assortment
Find the ideal fit for each event in our adaptable bottoms assortment. From immortal pants that easily pair with any top to chic skirts that add a hint of polish to your outfit.
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GB Whatsapp 2021Become the Best WA Mod
GB Whatsapp is an alternative to the standard version of WhatsApp, which is more advanced than standard WhatsApp, and is under development with new features every day. In this article, I will cover these features in general and some specifics when you download GB WhatsApp . The appearance...