Feeling discouraged

    • Gold Top Dog

    Feeling discouraged

    I've always known I've wanted to work with dogs. I love them...I can't describe how much I love them. Today, I guess for the first time, I was talking to my dad about it. He said, "Yeah that would probably be a good part time job for you during university." I pursued him on that and he said, "Well, really hon...you've been given such intelligence and I wouldn't expect you to do that your whole life."
    It made me feel like it is not a difficult job...one that is kind of a low job that can get you to where you want to go, or help you pay to get there. It's so discouraging...my mum was saying it would be boring to do that day in and day out and since I'm a creative person I shouldn't.
    I don't really care if anybody replies to this...I just wanted to write it out and get it out. It's been nagging at me so bad.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I feel the same way you do. What is it you want to do w/ dogs that you father thinks you are to smart to do? Like be a veterinarian? Someone once said the key to a happy life is finding something you love then figuring out a way to make money doing it.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: debv53

    I feel the same way you do. What is it you want to do w/ dogs that you father thinks you are to smart to do? Like be a veterinarian? Someone once said the key to a happy life is finding something you love then figuring out a way to make money doing it.

    I'm not positive what job yet...breeding and training interests me (together, not just one), also boarding and stuff...a vet tech would be cool but I'm very sad in the math/science department. Yeah, I thought that finding what you love would be the most satisfying job...but of course now I have doubts that maybe I shouldn't. I don't know...thanks for responding though.
    • Gold Top Dog
    There are many jobs you can incorporate a love of animals in -- and somet that revolve around animals (like a zoologist, or vet). 
    I have a friend who is a psychiatrist -- but her specialty is geriatrics and she has her own pet therapy dogs who come to work with her EVERY DAY.  Her dogs do awesome things for people.
    How about specifically being a vet -- what an incredible calling.  Perhaps think a bit bigger than you have been.  What other things interest you?
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: calliecritturs

    How about specifically being a vet -- what an incredible calling.  Perhaps think a bit bigger than you have been.  What other things interest you?

    Other things...writing mostly. I love to write. But I don't really think you can do that with dogs lol! Therapy dog work sounds wonderful, too....that's awesome what your friend does.
    Just so you know, I really appreciate your posts guys. It's comforting to not be the only one who thinks you can have a fulfilling career revolving around dogs at least partly.
    • Bronze
    I'm so sorry!  Remember, parents can't make choices for you.
    • Gold Top Dog
    There are lots of jobs working with dogs that require your brain, education, etc.
    Being a dog trainer isn't just "sit, stay, good boy". You can take animal behavior at university. After getting some experience, you can write papers on dog behavior (so many different topics!!).
    Vet tech is also a great idea, and I think you'd be surprised at the requirements - you could probably squeeze by if you put effort into your math and sciences.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks all who posted...I wish everybody had the same knowledge of dogs and the "dog world". Sometimes its frustrating when people say things without really knowing the facts...Anyhow [;)], I'm feeling a little brighter on the issue. *Big hugs to all who posted because I was getting a little...wound up* =)
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm going through pretty much the same thing, I want to work with dogs, but I don't know what.  My parents are not against it, though.  In fact, the encourage it.  The only problem is that everyone wants me to be a vet, but I'm not sure I exactly want to be a vet.  I would rather work at a Cairn Terrier shelter or be a trainer or something.  Working at a Cairn Terrier shelter is the next best thing to being a Cairn Terrier breeder, because I don't want to make any more homeless dogs!
    Coming back to the topic, just remember that you parents can't necessarily choose how your life is going to be.  I think you should just do what you want, and if they still disagree tell them why you want to do it, and why it would be a good job.
    • Bronze

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