I've always known I've wanted to work with dogs. I love them...I can't describe how much I love them. Today, I guess for the first time, I was talking to my dad about it. He said, "Yeah that would probably be a good part time job for you during university." I pursued him on that and he said, "Well, really hon...you've been given such intelligence and I wouldn't expect you to do that your
whole life."
It made me feel like it is not a difficult job...one that is kind of a low job that can get you to where you want to go, or help you pay to get there. It's so discouraging...my mum was saying it would be boring to do that day in and day out and since I'm a creative person I shouldn't.
I don't really care if anybody replies to this...I just wanted to write it out and get it out. It's been nagging at me so bad.