
    • Gold Top Dog


    Some time ago, I read a thread and somebody stated that they had a degree in accounting but had never used it. Kinda got me thinking...

    I was just curious what kind of schooling everybody's got, and if you've already gotten the chance to apply your knowledge. It doesn't even have to be any formal post-secondary -  stuff like hairdressing or mechanics school would be fun to hear about too!

    So I'll start - I'm currently in university, heading for a degree in Management. I hope to someday be able to use it to start up my own business. I have yet to decide what kind of business, but I've found that the business route is much more interesting to me than the sciences or education and such. Only time will tell if it's really what I want to do, but thats the fun in living life [:)].

    It would be neat to hear the experiences of othes [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well, that would be me who got an accounting degree but can't find a job to use it in.  I spent 20+ years in advertising sales and management and THATS what they see, not the 3.85 GPA or the degree with high academic honors, or the fact that I was almost 49 when I went BACK to college....
    Oddly.....when I was 15 I got a job writing sports as a stringer for the local paper....after 1 year of Junior High Journalism class!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have 10 years job experience and two years college for accounting. I couldn't get a new job doing accounting right now without a degree. I don't want to crunch numbers for the rest of my life so I have no desire to finish my degree in it.

    So right now I'm in college for graphic design, which is ironic because in this field formal schooling means nothing. If you can put together a decent portfolio you can get a job around here.
    • Gold Top Dog
    You know, accounting seemed to be a "practical" course of study.  But, actually, right brained as I am, I find crunching numbers very calming, very soothing.  I'm ADHD to and the forced order is something I do enjoy.
    • Gold Top Dog
    That's funny 'cause it does anything but calm and soothe me. Most of the time it just makes me want to rip my hair out.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Graduated magna cum laude with a History major and Pol Sci minor after starting as a Music major.  Currently been working the last 16 years for a printing company (4 different company names but the same desk!).  Unfortunately when I was looking for work after college the printing co paid $2 more per hour than the museum and I was dumb and followed the money.  Also figured the print job was down the road from a major university so I could get a master's.  Life had other plans [&:] though!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Rredbird, you sound like me!   History?  What type?  I got my undergrad in European Medival History (nice and useful, but I LOVED it and still do) with a minor in Intercultural Communications.  After graduation I worked in Real Estate for several years and went back and got my MBA in Finance and International Business.  Couldn't find a job and worked as a customer service team manager/waitress/bookstore manager/waitress/bookkeeper and now I'm back in school to get the last of my requirements to sit for the CPA, hopefully then I can work in my field of education!!!  Talk about the long way around heheheheheee
    Glenda, can you explain my homework to me?  [8|]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have made a career out of going to school. If I could, I would go to school forever - there's no place I'd rather spend my time! However, there is that pesky little thing called an "income" that I need to get soon or I will be in trouble. [&:] 
    But graduation is on the horizon, thankfully - I should have my PhD in a little over a year. So no, I really haven't yet had the opportunity to apply my knowledge in a FT capacity...but let's hope the job market picks up soon!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Gee! I'm glad I found this thread! I'm in accounting right now and I am doing horrible in it. Numbers usually isn't my thing. Sooner- i may have to PM you if I need help with homework[:D]- that is if you understand it- I see you're switching majors!
    I'm a sophomore in college right now- so that's my education= ongoing!

    Sad thing is that I'm a business major, so I'm in for more of this. I want to open my own doggie day care/kennel one day, so I have to learn how to take care of the money I guess. (since when I start I probably wont' have enough to hire an accountant). I am learning really quickly that business is more than just a dream of keeping puppies happy all day long!
    Oh, and glenda, I'm ADHD too, and numbers is far from my thing. I was never a math person- I got a 660 on my reading SAT and 470 on math- (that was the old score).
    • Gold Top Dog
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm finishing up my degree in Business as well.  My concentration is on HR but the fancy title they gave it is Management and Organizational Studies.  I started out in Accounting and although I did well in it, couldn't picture myself doing that for the rest of my life.  I really enjoyed the HR courses so I switched concentrations.  I was told my my HS counsellor to be a teacher, I laughed and shrugged him off.  Then, while in the Business department in University, I had a strong urge to switch to education.  I absolutely LOVE kids...preferrably kindergarten/early childhood education.  Unfortunately, I've put in too much credit hours into Business that a switch would mean starting from scratch for an Education degree unless I wanted to teach Business at a university level - no thanks!  I've been in school for too long due to a lot of unfortunate circumstance.  I'm itching to get the piece of paper I've paid so much $ for! he he 
    Work wise, I work with a non profit org. for the developmentally disabled.  I do some clerical work, assist managers, work on projects of some arise, etc. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I graduated last Spring from the county community college, so I have a mostly useless A.A. in education. It's useless except for being able to use it to transfer somewhere else, which of course I did. Now i'm a Junior in Elementary/Special Ed at Temple University. I won't graduate on time, so i'll have to great distinction of being a Super Senior. I actually am currently using my education. I had to take a class at the community college as part of the transfer agreement where I worked in a preschool classroom for children with autism. For the class I learned Applied Behavior Analysis, and I mostly worked with one little boy. I essentially learned how to do the job i'm doing now while I was there. Now I do home therapy with elementary age kids. It's probably the only time i'll make direct usage of something I learned in school. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I went to college for nursing and I'm currently working as a nurse, at a walk-in clinic.
    So, I have a BSN, right from the start.  Two of my coworkers are currently working on their BSNs.  I'm so glad I don't have to do that.  My parents were smart in making sure I got my degree right off the bat!
    • Gold Top Dog
    After High School I went to a Community College working towards a degree in Communications but just got fed up with school after 2 years.  I was going to go back after a break but my dad knew of a job opening and I was tired of being broke so I took it.  I don't regret it as that was my favorite job out of all that I have had.  I was a delivery driver for GE delivering small parts to construction sites.  Basically I got paid to listen to the radio, drive all over Southern California and deal with hunky construction workers! I was in heaven. 
     I quit that job because I met Wade and moved to AL to be with him.  Since then I have had Admin jobs for various companies.  The last company I was with I started as the receptionist and 3 years later I was a purchasing agent as well as doing HR work. 
    Now I am a mom and this is the most challenging job yet!
    • Puppy
    I am currently a junior in College right now. Working my way to becoming a Veterinarian. My major is Animal Science and Management. I will be hopefully graduating next year and going straight into Vet school in the Fall of 2007. My real dream though isn't to become a vet. My real goal is to become a top handler and breeder in the dog world. I want to show and breed pomeranians and somehow get the elusive real wolf sable coloring back into the breed. I have been taking extra genetics classes and have been doing my own personnal research these past months. I am definitely am on the right track but still have many more years of it ahead of me. And also, the reason for the Management part of Animal Science, I want to hopefully own a vet hospital and be able to work with my own dogs too. We'll see though.