
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have a bachelor of science in Microbiology. I took all the credits but didn't do the thesis for a master of science in Environmental Biology and just started an on-line PhD Public Health.  You may be right; I may be crazy.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Cool thread, Sierra.

    Since the age of ten, I have studied electrical theory, electronics, and physics. My step-grandfather had given me books on such stuff, including meatier stuff like semiconductor engineering and the fast developing field of integrated circuits. There was even talk of one day having a computer that would fit on your desk or even your lap. When I was 11, he gave me a primer book on Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity. He was also teaching me differential and integral single-variable calculus. Later, on my own, I would cover differential equations, linear algebra, trig, and topology, and basic quantum mechanics. Topology is an n-dimensional branch of math to describe events with more than one dimension. It is used in particle and theoretical physics and quantum mechanics. Think of it as set theory on steroids. In 1982, I was at the University of Texas at Arlington as a EE, electrical engineering. Didn't finish. Later, I went to Richland College in Dallas with the same major. Later, at Eastfield College, same major. I even dabbled a bit in Networking when Novell was the hot thing.

    Nothing pays like digging a ditch. The creds I have for electrical is about an accumulated 20 years and a self-applied study of the NEC codebook. So, I have a Texas State Master Electrician License that was grandfathered from an existing master/contractor license I had from Sherman, Tx. and that license was based on test results from my exam with the ICC, formerly the SBCCI.

    So, I'd have to say that my self-directed study is doing me more good than any college credits, even though, in the electronics courses I took at Eastfield, I blew the curve apart and set departmental records. For example, in Sinusoidal Circuits, I had a 102.3 average for the course, which had never been done before.

    I make more money climbing a scaffold and putting device boxes and pipes in block and masonry walls.
    • Gold Top Dog
    OK, those of you who honestly DO need help with accounting, PM me and I'll try.
    I tutored when I was in school...the only one that the college would use.  And I tutored a LOT of students.  My favs in accounting are payroll and tax accounting.  I'm wierd.  I spent my entire adult career in outside advertising sales and would now LOVE to work with numbers all day every an office!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hey Sooner, I graduated as a Graphic Designer in 1973. Near the end of high school I had NO idea what I wanted to do. I started looking through the course catalogues and thought HMMM, art! - how easy is that! I had not even taken an art course in high school. They must have been desperate to accept me. I worked in an art studio for 10 years before leaving to raise my boys.

    I thought about going back to work but realized that computer design had totally taken over the industry and the fact that I could draw a perfect straight line free hand was obsolete. I had gone the way of the Dodo! For the last few years I have been practicing my trade doing invitations, yearbooks and various other projects. Unfortunately the bulk of my work is done for friends and relatives, so I end up giving it away, however I am happiest when I am doing somethimg creative.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I started out as Animal Science to become a vet, but for some stupid reason, didn't like the idea of spending 4 years in undergrad, then another 4-7 in grad... stupid, stupid, stupid.  But anyway, so switched to Wildlife Biology and got a BS in that.  After graduation enrolled in a Federal Law Enforcement Training Academy to become a park ranger.  Graduated high and elected president of the class.    Spent the next year working as a Park Ranger, then as a Refuge Ranger, then got a job as an Animal Control Officer which didn't last long.  Got a job as a clerk since I was unemployed, rose up to database administrator and now am an Analyst/Programmer.  I wish I'd stuck with being a vet.  I have considered going back to do that but I don't know...
    • Gold Top Dog
    Nigguysmom,  me too!  [sm=wink2.gif]  Although the degree doesn't show it my concentration was on European history (American was too boring - shh don't tell anyone).  One of my favorite professors hooked me when he said "Imagine the sex life of a peasant... Working hard in the fields all day, dirty - no indoor plumbing, bad teeth,...".
    I had lived a somewhat sheltered life and his statement just floored me - Sex? We can talk about sex? WOW!  Amazing what sticks with us 20 years later - Can't remember the date of the peasant rebellion but can still vividly recall thinking about their sex life! [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    You are all so smart! 
    While in high school, (16 years ago, already, OMG!) they had a vocational school there also and they allowed certain students to also take a vocational program.  So, my best friend at the time talked me into taking a class called Intensive Office Training.  Basically, it was a three year secretarial program, teaching us how to type, use a computer (it was DOS back then, another OMG!) and in the last year they gave us "mock" jobs" to do in three fields, legal, medical and administrative.  I like medical the best, I always liked science, biology and did my best in those subjects.  Also, in our last year, they sent us to work at noon time.  So, my first job was as a buyer for a marketing company, he owned the company.  And, every week he had to report to the school on my progress, how I did and handled myself, etc.  Once, we graduated I knew I wanted to work in the medical field and went right to work for an eye surgeon, had the job before graduation, in fact worked there that afternoon. 
    While working I attended community college and took classes that interested me but never finished a degree.  I also got my license to do nails and facials and I'm a licensed make-up artist in RI.  I worked in these fields for awhile too but I always went back to secretarial work where the hours, money and benefits were. 
    I currently work at an MRI facility as one of several secretaries.  I also run my own pet sitting business that I'm very proud of as I started it from nothing.  I work 2nd shift at the MRI place so I can take clients in the mornings.  My future goal is to expand my own business enough so I can just work for myself.  But, things are so expensive especially here in RI.  The price of homes is ridiculously high. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have a bachelor's degree in Mass Communications (Major: Pr and Advertising, Specialization: Marketing).  I went in knowing what I wanted to do, kept the same major all 4 years and graduated magna cum laude (just missed suma).  I had 5 internships and loved them all.  Then I got a real world PR job and hated my boss and it. 
    So, I went back to get my master's degree in education (througha 2 yr. program where I taught as I went to grad school) which I have now completed.  I am now a teacher and will do that for a while.  Eventually, I would like to teach teachers :).
    • Gold Top Dog

    You've just learned a valuable lesson. Whether a project takes 1 year or 10 years, that time will pass whether you do it or not.  At some point at the end of that time you will either find yourself saying "waw that was tough, but I'm glad it's over" or "too bad I didn't stick with it, because by now I would be a _____".

    So take this experience and influence others.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I have a four-year degree in anthropology and psychology.  I loved every minute of it and looking back, I really should have gone to graduate school to study anthropology.  Instead, I spent a few years travelling and working as a counsellor in a non-profit organization.  I don't regret doing that, but it's hard to get into graduate school when you don't have any academic references, so I never applied to do my master's.
    After a few years I went back for my education degree.  I am currently an elementary school teacher and have been teaching for 3 years.  I love my job, but I'm starting to get itchy feet.  The fact is that work takes over my entire life.  When I'm not working, I'm thinking about work.  Even the long summer holidays (that I love and that everyone envies) end up being all about work; I spend the first week of summer cleaning out my classroom and the last 2 weeks setting up again.  I take courses, read professional books and plan units over the summer.   I feel like I don't have much time to explore my own interests, because I channel all of my energy and creativity into my job.
    I've never been a person who wanted to be the same thing forever.  I'm certain that I will go through several careers in my life.  Sometimes I dream of having a job that may be a little bit less interesting, but that ENDS at the end of the day.  I'd like to go home without a pile of things to correct, a bunch of lessons to plan, parent notes to write, report cards to prepare... So we'll see how long I teach before trying something new.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I graduated with highest honors (whatever cum that is) with a BA in Psychology, concentration in Interpersonal Communications. I started it when I graduated high school, but finished it while working full time.

    I WANT to go back and get my MSW, but the good programs here are all day programs, and at the moment we can't afford for me to not work. I've been the administrative assistant (or as the President likes to call me - the Executive Sales Assistant hehe) for a lumber office wholesale company for 6 years now.

    The very sad thing is that I make FAR more $$ where I am now than if I switched to a job that would make use of my degree. So, for now I stay.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Someone has to represent the undereducated on the I will start [:D].
    I finished 2 years of college(nursing) and then quit to support DH while he was in law school. Never went back because I ws too busy and happy being a mom. I was very happy to be able to be a stay at home mom. Now it is 28 years later...and I can't see the point in finishing my degree. Financially we are ok. And besides...who would stay home with the dogs all day???
    • Gold Top Dog
    Working on a BS in large animal studies, emphasis equine studies.  Hoping to get my masters after that, but I have yet to think of an emphasis for that.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oops, sorry my sig is so big.  I hope I just made it smaller!
    • Gold Top Dog
    And besides...who would stay home with the dogs all day???

    LOL! That's why I'm doing that PhD on line.
