Marley & Me - did you see it?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Marley & Me - did you see it?

    Hi all! I've been super busy lately and therefore not much time to post but I saw Marley & Me on Christmas and am curious if anyone else saw it. What did you think?

    Notice - I'm writing something below that hints at something that occurs if the movie so if you haven't read the book, you may want to skip the next part.



    I liked it but as a warning to anyone who plans on going......BRING TISSUES. Trust me. You'll need them. I did, my mom did, even my sister who isn't a dog person cried. The GUY in front of my mom was losing it! The theater was packed, and I can't count the number of sniffles I heard LOL. I want to see it again, but I really don't know if I will because I know I'll be in tears again, lol. But it is a sweet, honest movie...I'll leave it at that. : )

    • Gold Top Dog

    I didn't see it- yet. But, I did read the book, and I know what part you're talking about. I will probably see it this weekend.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Read it and loved the book.  Saw it today and loved the movie.  I tried to see it yesterday and it was sold out, so I just got tickets for today instead and the theater was packed.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I saw it, and I cried. And I don't normally cry with that kind of stuff.... but I couldn't help myself! I thought it was a cute and very well done movie, I did not read the book though.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I read the book and I won't go see the movie but wanted to tell you how much I love your new sig pic of Apollo.  Beautiful.

    • Gold Top Dog


    but wanted to tell you how much I love your new sig pic of Apollo.  Beautiful.

    Thank you very much :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I read the book...loved it...cried.  Saw the movie last night with all my kids and also loved it and cried even MORE.  I heard sniffles all over the theater, and I really wish I had brought tissues because tears were streaming down my face and I had nothing to wipe them away with.  I got that swollen feeling in my throat and chest from trying to hold it back too.

    I also cried in the one part more towards the beginning when they're at the Dr's office, but that's only because that identical thing happened to me 5 years ago, and if felt like yesterday to watch it on screen.

    That said, my daughter's 19 year old Mr. Tough guy-never cries about anything-boyfriend bawled like a baby at the movie too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I read the book and LOVED it.  I saw the movie and felt they could have done a better job.  I didn't see a good close relationship with the dog and I don't think they showed the real destructiveness of Marley.  I think it could have been better.  I did cry at the end and teared up at least two other times. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I LOVED it!  I didn't read the book and I'm glad, usually if I read a book than see the movie, it's always a disapointment.  I thought the movie was soooo funny and well done, I was bawling at the end though.   


    The one thing I HATED that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere was the product placement advertising for Dog Chow. I hate paying for a movie, just to have what is basically a commercial worked into the movie. That annoyed me. 


    • Bronze

    We saw it yesterday. Close to the book in many places, but there was still a lot of "artistic license" in the film.

    I have the hardcover version and my wife has the audio book. We "read" it over the phone together while she was 250 miles away in Portland, OR for 3 months attending the school for the blind. I told her we were going to go "see" the film when it came out as part of her "Welcome Home" celebration, and she loved the idea. We took her Black Lab Guide "Roanna" with us, who promptly curled up on the towel we brought for her (ever really LOOKED at the floors in a theatre?) and went to sleep for the 2 hours. I provided the descriptive narration, but she knew most of the antics from what she had heard in her audio book.

    The part I liked most.......when things got rough, they toughed it out and did not dump the dog into a shelter or abandon it on the side of the road. They learned and grew, and became better dog owners because of, and thanks to, Marley. All in all, a pleasant couple of hours.

    • Bronze

     but I have read the book and loved it! Usually after reading a book then seeing the attempt at a movie I am disappointed so not sure if I will go see it probably wait for it on dvd.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I read the book, except the last bit where he dies. 

    I saw the movie yesterday with BF, didn`t bring tissue, so he let me wipe my eyes on his shirt lol 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have not seen it and I don't plan to.  I don't derive enjoyment from anything that makes me bawl my eyes out.  Or makes me scared or uncomfortable.  For those reasons I try to avoid movies that are sad or violent.  I'm just weird that way. Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog

    I thought it was really well done - and I don't regret seeing it because I cried. It was touching, realistic and sad - I would see it again, honestly. I wouldn't NOT see it because the end is sad - the rest was funny and fast pased - not boring IMO.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh yes, bring tissues for sure.  We went to see the movie today.  The theater was packed and almost everyone I saw on the way out had red, swollen eyes, guys included.  My husband cried, my daughter, me.  It was a good movie, but the end was hard to watch.  We just had to put Max down (our 11 year old Alaskan Malamute that was born at our place) 3 weeks ago so we were all still so broken up over that.  Made is especially hard to watch the end of the movie.