Training & Behavior

Training & Behavior
Leash manners
When you have multiple dogs (one more well-trained than the other), how do you walk them? Thatch pulls ALOT and currently I'm walking both dogs on separate leashes because I'm afraid he'd accidentally hurt Hap with the way he jerks on the leash. And of course he doesn't walk in a straight...
Finally, something is helping with the Car chasing/meltdowns!!
As some of you know, Zoey has been insanely psycho around cars, which I believe has always stemmed from fear. Especially if her past is true - i.e. dumped in the road as a puppy. So I worked really really hard for the longest time with her, we has great success with the main road, parking lots, 'out...
Male/male aggression and neutering.
Today was apparently intact male day at the dog park. I took T-Bone, who is a year and some months, and intact for a few hours today. He met up and played with a Doberman, a schnauzer, a French Bulldog, a yellow and a black lab, and a Cane Corso and all oft he dogs interacted really beautifully. These...
So... I think I don't like training. :-|
Yeah, and Chelsea the rocket scientist got a super high energy entirely untrained 10 month old shelter puppy. Smooth move. No, but seriously, I just can't find the motivation & will to really train Juno. We've got the basics pretty much down (and by "basics" I mean sit, down...
What does a positive trainer do when a dog bites?
Okay, say you are a positive trainer. Say you have a dog that is very confident and pushy. Say your dog gets a bit cocky one day over something it doesn't want you to do and bites you hard enough to really hurt, not out of fear or anxiety, but just to see if this is a method of getting what the dog...
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Clicker magic-Anyone else experiance this?
I work at a pet store and we sell clickers at the register. People will come up there with thier dog grabbed a clicker and say "oh look son its a dog training clicker, now pup will sit on command!" Then shove the clicker 5 inches from the dogs face yell sit and click it. Of course the dog jumps...
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Recall, do you think this would work?
I'm open to suggestions if you don't. I was thinking about all the work we've done with a long line with Crusher. He's a husky and they aren't known for having a great recall. But he's really good with a long line and nearly 100% reliable if he's dragging a 50 foot line...
Owners of reactive dogs
I own a leash reactive dog- I'm not ashamed to admit it. I've been working very consitantly with Apollo and he is making unbelievable strides. I'm very proud of him. But, I've noticed when we walk by people and I make Apollo sit, stay and "watch me" people often give me a look...
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Transferred frustration turns into aggression (CoBuHe)
I'm dealing with transferred frustration that turns into aggression with Heidi and I'm not sure what to do about it. Its all about the cats. When she sees or hears a cat, she gets alll amped up; then transfers her frustration in an aggressive manner towards Bruder. A couple of nights ago was...
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Stopping Separation Anxiety
I've acquired a lovely pup (5 or 6 months old) who was, until recently, a stray. Molly and I get along wonderfully! Unfortunately, when I leave her in the car to run in at the gas station or leave her alone in the house, as soon as I hit the porch I can hear her start screaming. I never go back to...
New Lab won't eat unless I'm standing next to her?
We know nothing about this dog, as she was found wandering around by the person we got her from. She's very sweet, a great house dog, leash trained.... it's obvious she belonged to someone, at some point who cared for her. But we don't know how long ago that has been. When the guy we...
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Training Dogs With Dunbar Clip
Lordy, how many times have I heard newbie pet owners say to me that their dogs are soooo smart because they know hand signals???? I've been reviewing the Ian Dunbar books and tapes that I have, as I'm going to his three day seminar soon (Science Based Training with Feeling). On the "Training...
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Cat person wanting to understand dogs more!
Hi, was surfing the net looking for dog psychology info and found this site. Spotted a post about not liking dogs, along with several dozen replies. While I'm addicted to cats, I can appreciated dogs. There have been a few I've been fond of, such as Taffy and Buttons from my growing-up years...
Does Your Dog Have "Ah-hah!" Moments?
And if so, do you think they're the same kinds of ah-hah moments that 2-year-old kids have? My latest article for "Do Dogs & Cows Have the Same Kind of A-Hah Moments as 2-Year-Old Kids?"
Control Unleashed progress
for some background: Abbie is leash reactive and a super high, over the top anxiety dog. Her anxiety is so high that whenever we go any place new, she is constantly scanning the environment around her for possible threats. She whines and whimpers and has a hair trigger during these times. She's not...
7-month old GSD biting
My Mom and I have a 7-month old German Shepherd (just over 50 lbs.); for the most part Nikita is pretty good however she has this thing with biting. Whenever I went to my Mom's when Nikita was 3-4 months old, she used to jump and bite when I would come in the house. I started ignoring her and the...
Elder German Shepherd -- Behavior Problem or Physical Problem?
Hi All, I beg you not to judge me. I am really going out of my mind. I have tried posting on another forum and was just bashed over and over. That was not helpful! Here is the situation. My boyfriend has a German Shepherd, she is 13 1/2 years old. For the last two + years she has been going potty...
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Psychologically starving/thirsty puppy
The puppy I found a month ago, Gabby, has, from the moment I found her, been desperately seeking food and water. She is approximately 12 weeks old. She was malnourished when I found her and had ringworm, intestinal parasites, fleas, many ant bites and generally in poor condition. She is over the ringworm...
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Aggressively Peanut
Hello I have posted photos of our three female mix breeds (click ‘Burl’ and then ‘Photos’). All came from CAAWS, our Baton Rouge no-kill shelter. We have been having occasional aggression flare-up clashes started by Peanut (a beagle/german shepherd? mix) since two years back when she was three. These...
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Sooner or Later?
This is purely for future reference.We have a pack of 3 here and that seems a comfortable number for us.I Know that at the point we lose our old girl there may be some redistribution in the pack order.Personally I would rather take a good bit of time before growing our pack again.My question is this...