I'm open to suggestions if you don't.
I was thinking about all the work we've done with a long line with Crusher. He's a husky and they aren't known for having a great recall. But he's really good with a long line and nearly 100% reliable if he's dragging a 50 foot line. However, a 50' line isn't exactly practical in the bush. Do you think that if I were to gradually shorten it by say a foot a week(or maybe longer since we don't get off leash time everyday) would it be enough to trick him into thinking he needed to come back once I got down to 10 or 12 feet? Or even shorter if we're being optimistic?
He is trained on a remote collar to come back, and for a long time I never even had to buzz him, but the last few months that I was using it, he started to test it. Its now lost some of its distance too, so if he's more than about 25 feet from me it doesn't seem to work anymore. And I'd rather not buy a new one if I can help it. So we switched to a long line, but I know from experience that when we switch to a shorter line, he'll bolt out of reach and laugh at my attempts to recall him.
He has an emergency recall whistle, which earns him a pack of soft food, either cat food or dog food, whichever I find on sale, but I don't want to overuse it. If I have to, I'll stick to open places, but it would be nice to hike the slashes and stuff around here and not worry about tangles. FTR, Onyx is 100Xs better than him, plus she'll come back if he does, so I don't worry about her as much. Still it would be nice to have a reliable recall for her too obviously.