Posted : 9/6/2010 8:44:41 PM
(psst Barbara -- "her forever papa"!!)
ALOK -- Welcome Back!!! Missed ya!
Tiny tiny steps. What I always do -- particularly with the car is say "Ok -- gonna get gas, Watch me! ssshhhhhh!" (classic finger to lips shhh gesture). And if she breaks and starts to whine - stop, look her in the eye and again "Shhhh" (finger to lips) ... when she stops "Better!" and continue around the car.
But CHAT to her -- connect with your voice ... AND your hands. Because she can see your hands from FAR away. Give her "approval" with a big smile, with a wink, a nod of your head -- make them ALL meaningful to her. You can do ALL of those things and use them as immediate reinforcement just like you'd use a clicker (except they are always with you). EVen a 'thumbs up' can be a praise command if she knows you do it when you're pleased with her.
Then ... play a little game ... start it in the house. And again ... "shhh but I"m going right behind the door" and step behind the door but leave your hand or a foot showing and again QUICK positive reinforcement with a "GOOD girl!" or a grin or wink as she's quite when your face goes out of sight. Gradually lengthen it -- first getting your whole body "out of sight" behind a door or doorway for half a heartbeat and a fast GOOD GIRL!
Play it often .... and gradually increase (and I mean gradually -- you want success here so "appear" before she can really make any sound -- woo her with this and let her build trust while thinking ti's a game.
But talk to this dog a LOT. "I'm going to the kitchen ... you Sit. Stay/!" get TO the kitchen and CALL her. Again - play this as a game -- sometimes call her 'come' and sometimes let her keep the 'sit' and bring something back as a treat.
Even if it takes you 2 weeks to fully 'disappear' behind the door and work up to even 5 seconds of silence -- that's a big deal to her. Gradually -- VERY gradually go a bit further away. Be gone a bit longer. Then build up to going out the door and then in.
But with a dog like this (particularly one who has been 'abandoned' and likely starved and abused) you build trust slowly and by buildin HER up.
if you possibly can -- get her into an obedience class. She's super motivated to please you ... and a structured class with other dogs, and gaining YOUR approval is a big fat deal. But it will build her up.
I've always found that a voice connection is a big deal. Telling a dog like this normal stuff like "I'm going to the kitchen, you stay here". and "i'm going for groceries, you stay here". They are similiar but she WILL learn those words ... she'll learn "kitchen" is in the house and close. "take out the trash" means the door opens and closes but you'll stay in sniffing distance. "groceries" is you going in the car but not a long time. "Work" is all day long but back before supper".
They DO learn vocabulary and a SA dog often will cue in on the vocabulary and it helps them worry less.
Good luck.