Posted : 9/11/2010 5:42:09 PM
It doesn't have to be expensive -- you may be able to find a class via a local community college (maybe $40 for an 8 week class or similar). The first class you just plain do because it's good for the dog and you don't want you and your dog to develop the really bad socialization problems you had with Cherokee. Make that your motivation. No one says you have to do a zillion classes or go into Rally.
Our goal is always the CGC just because THEN you can go anywhere and do anything with your dog. If you need to go overnight to someone's home you CAN and the dog isn't a mental wreck. No one is going to get bitten and everyone can have fun.
Honestly? It's just plain WAY more convenient to have a dog who is a joy to be around. A dog who can slide in and not dominate everyone's time and effort because it's so anxious in a new situation it can't function.
Once you have a "nice pet" who is easy to be around, you do what YOU want to do. I'm not super into obedience either -- but we came to the point last spring where I knew we needed to get Luna and Tink their CGC in order to certify them for pet therapy. We don't come home and spend tons of time on training -- so it takes us a while. But we were just talking with the trainer this morning and they're VERY happy with the progress the two have made.
Tink is NOT an obedience superstar -- most pugs aren't. And in the heat of the summer it's tough keeping her cool enough. But we have fun doing stuff together. Don't dread the class -- find one and go and then make your judgment.
Try your local dog training club too -- that's how I got Aimee's name. They charge $10 per lesson for a single dog and are charging us $15 for the two dogs. It works for us because they offer Saturday hours for us (evenings just can NOT work for us because we both work so far away from home).
Luna was TOUGH as a pup -- she was your typical 10 month old wild child that someone ditched because she had no manners and had NO CLUE how to listen to a human. We did a bit of basic obedience with her when we got her and then Billy's IMHA hit and we really haven't been able to do much in the last few years. AT this point Tink now really *needs* it and we've found a trainer again.
Some people have lives that revolve around training. That's not me. You will find your own middle, but don't let Juno suffer permanently because you aren't motivated -- there is a happy medium there, does that make sense?