Forum Threads
Wednesday chatting (3/19/14)
Posted to: News & Entertainment
Ahhhh, glorious sunshine again today! We got up to 40 yesterday, and gosh, the sun and the 40 degrees felt like a vacation someplace nice and warm. It's only 20 right now, but headed right back up to 40, so I'm a happy camper. Just maybe, we'll eventually make it to spring! This week...
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5 Popular Toy Breed Videos
Posted to: News & Entertainment
The diminutive size and winsome expressions of Toy dogs illustrate the main function of this Group: to embody sheer delight. Don't let their tiny stature fool you, though - - many Toys are tough as nails. Check out this super smart yorkie and not even a year old! watch?v=POTzWpITEjw Love...
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It's Poison Prevention Week!
Posted to: Health & Grooming
Did your dog or cat just eat something poisonous? Call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately. The sooner a dog poisoning or cat poisoning is diagnosed, the easier , less expensive , and safer it is to treat your pet.
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Tuesday 3-18-14 chat
Posted to: News & Entertainment
Everyone must be hung over from green beer and Irish whiskey. GingerD has an infected tooth, so we moved up her dental from next week Tuesday to this Friday. She is on antibiotics and a pain killer. She is also down 2.2lbs. Tracy, from late yesterday, I'm sure the diet contributes to GingerD's...
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Dog Transport Help
Posted to: Rescue & Help
When you think of rescue, you often think of adoption and volunteering at shelter, even fostering. But if you can't foster or adopt but want to help maybe helping with transports could be something you can do. There are networks all over the country that need help with dog transports. You can check...
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Sat run
Posted to: News & Entertainment
To run is to live. Had a nice run this morning at the WMA. Geese, flying north, looking to homestead at Swan Lake. Guns enjoyed it, so did I. This is where I let Piper have her first free run in the wild 13 years ago. A pair of geese flew over. Piper, not understanding geese or perspective, chased...
Why Does My Dog Yawn?
Posted to: Training & Behavior
In the language of dogs, the yawn is often used as a calming signal. It's a way of saying, I've had enough and my patience is running out. For example, in a training session, your dog may yawn to deal with frustration and to give himself a mental break. The next time your dog yawns while you're...
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Happy St. Patricks Day
Posted to: News & Entertainment
Hi just wanted to check in hope everyone had a good weekend. Today is my friends last day in PA before she heads back to Florida. Going to go do be going out soon to shop and do fun girl things and stop for a pint to cecebrate St. Pattys Day. Have a fun safe day!
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Does Your Dog have a "Guilty Look?"
Posted to: News & Entertainment
This is Denver, he is a guilty dog! If you haven't seen this video, it is so worth the watch! It is one of my favorites, I crack up every time! It really made me think of my own dog and how she gets when she knows she did something wrong. Does your dog have a way of showing guilt? Share it here!...
I'll kick off the Friday Chat
Posted to: News & Entertainment
Happy Friday everyone, hope you all have a great weekend, what are your plans? Still kind of cold here in PA, but the sun is out and I have one of my best friends home with me for a couple days, taking my boyfriend out for a nice birthday dinner and just an overall fun weekend ahead. Hope you all have...
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St Patty's day dogs! (Bugsy will start this one)
Posted to: News & Entertainment
Looks like I better come up with a better costume this year Feeling lucky he didn't kill me after this hahahaha
Thus -sunny and cool, but nice
Posted to: News & Entertainment
i am starting to run the Lugnut at the local WMA. Lots of room, weeds, brush, deer, birds. He really gets into it. We get back in about a quarter mile from the road, so if no coyotes show up, its safe. His nose works well, and he seems to be developing a taste for deer fewmets. The ground is still frozen...
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Embroidered collars
Posted to: News & Entertainment
Thought about putting this question in today's chat so it wouldn't get lost . . . hopefully you all see it! We'd like to get Ruby a collar with embroidered contact/ID info. Right now, all her collars have metal ID tags, and I sometimes worry they'll get caught on something when she's...
Help our soldiers help their dogs!
Posted to: Rescue & Help
A really good friend of mine told me about this wonderful program to help our soldiers keep their dogs and not have to give them up when they are deployed. watch?v=mDjlGdmHiFM
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Picking up our Aunt Kim
Posted to: News & Entertainment
I took Grux and Hurley to pick up my friend Kim yesterday, she is in for a couple days to visit. The boys were very happy to see her. Not the best pic they were just so excited, Grux's eyes were even glowing LOL. They both love a car ride too, it's a great alternative sometimes if the weather...