Community Help Center

Community Help Center
Can't get used to this format...............
and it seems like a lot of the old forums are missing, like Photos. JMO
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A new community barks very soon!
We've got some exciting news to share about this community. After thousands of posts that have kept us all informed, educated and entertained, the team behind are giving something back to you, our loyal users. Starting this week, you will start to see a completely re-thought and re-designed...
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Guess it's been a while!
My new job restricts me from getting on the internet even on my lunch break, so I've been slacking in approval duties. Just caught up. I'm going to be online tonight to monitor the buncha newbies I just approved, but if you have any trouble/issues tomorrow, Karen, please just text my cell since...
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Naughty List (take 3)
Because it hides this thread and soon it will disappear to irretrievable, I thought I'd make a new one. This time, not locked :) (just keep editing this post so all the names are contained in one place and we don't have to dig through to find a name, and let's put them in alphabetical...
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Gone for a week and some change
I will have my computer and will hopefully have no trouble getting to the forum, but just in case I wanted you both to have the heads up that I hit the road tomorrow for Oklahoma. I expect to arrive late Weds night, and then we compete all day on Friday. Then will hit the road probably Sunday to arrive...
I wonder if there's discussion on FB about this.... Karen?
Warning just approved another 3 pages
Been a heck of a lot of new sign-ups did my best to keep the spammers out
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DumDog wants to be deleted...
She says she's PM'd someone and hasn't heard back. She never PM'd me. You guys?
I really want to be deleted
I have looked all over and cant find how to do this. I am having problems with a stalker and want any and all personal information removed. i hear the lame excuse that it would mess up threads and information.... so what. i could just go through each of my threads and delete my comments one by one but...
I have a feeling....
Keep an eye on "MandaLynn".... just a weird instinct on that one.
no decent access this weekend
We are off to the beach this weekend so I won't be able to do much online - leaving tomorrow before lunch and back Monday afternoon. Have a great weekend ladies
New Turkey In Town
Just be aware, Champ 2007 had been warned, even replied with "Understood. Thanks" I had to reply w/the following: miranadobe Evidently you didn't. miranadobe Please be sure to read and understand our Forum Rules here : . If...
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April 16-19 another head's up!
I am on a conference for MBTI certification so I have to pay attention and pass the exams! I will not be online much and am doubtful I'll check new ID's etc. No access most of Friday too Sorry ladies! Lani I was so sorry to hear about Lo, I hope that he gets fixed up swiftly and completely. Give...
heads up - please read
first of all this email should never get another account that is the one that was attached to two different accounts both of which are banned now secondly there is a ton of approvals to do - I did some yesterday but I have my mom, sister and kids here through tomorrow so don't...
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my cairn was attacked ; please look under injuries
I posted under the subforum injuries.
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Just thought I'd mention
I did a bunch of 'disproving' today. :) hope you are feeling better Lani and Paige I hope things are getting a bit better for you!
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approved 60 this morning
hoping I weeded out the spammers
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Consolidated list of Forum Problems
Hey guys - Just wanted to post a thread to consolidate the current problems w/the Forum so they can be concisely reported to Terry in email. I don't want him to get them in dribs and drabs, nor in long diatribes (like I tend to do,lol). When you reply, please categorize the problem/concern/suggestion...
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Explanations for moved threads?
It would be nice, if when threads are moved, a brief note were included about the reason for the move. Since the "General Chat" forum tends to be the most viewed/active/responded to (some special interest forums excluded), it in some ways is the most desirable location for a thread. So, when...
On the other forums I belong to, after a thread is like a year or so old, it get's moved to the "archive". This way it is still searchable, so if it contains valuable info it is still available, but the archive areas are locked so 2, 3, 4...year old threads cannot be bumped either accidentally...