Community Help Center

Community Help Center
How long does it take for a post to post?
I was a member here some years ago and posts went up immediately. Now that I have rejoined I made a post on Saturday August 1 and it is still not up. I am very disappointed and disenchanted with this forum now. I did really enjoy this forum a few years ago. TIA
July post
I lost the July thread again. I posted. Went back to edit. Not there. Mac with Safari 5.1.10 Would I be better off using Firefox?
Would you record your walks with your dogs
If there was a feature that allowed you to record your dog walk routes and take pictures on your mobile phone Would you use it? Yes (16.7%) No (83.3%) Total Votes: 6
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Posting Issues
Tried to post without using this custom text editor and got a validation error so trying this.
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Minor Site Update
Hi All, We will be performing a minor upgrade this Wednesday which should fix the disappearing blog posts, comment ordering and a few formatting issues.
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Lost don't know what happened
I can't seem to find the June posts.
Like the format, but lost the June posts. Can not get to them from the notification icon and no listing for "June-its here" Doug
More problems
I am continuing to have problems with the forum. I can no longer see how many pages are in a thread and I cannot go to any pages except the one I am on (because I no can't see the list of pages at the top of the page). I now find I have to go to the index, find the forum, see how many pages there...
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Weekly Growl: 8.18- 8.22
Weekly Discussion: Dog’s First Night No matter whether they are puppies or senior dogs, the first day you bring home your dog is always an experience. Weigh in this week’s discussion and let us know the story of your dog’s first night home! You can find it here ! Saying Goodbye...
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The Weekly Growl:8.11.14 - 8.15.14
Community Helps and Happenings What do you feed your dog? “I make homemade dog food for my dogs, as well. We buy chicken thighs in bulk and then pressure cans them for the dogs. I know I am not supposed to feed dogs cooked chicken bones ....” Help out LAURA32_13606 . Some community members...
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When will you be able to get rid of all the old threads? I'm not talking about old threads that people revive by posting to. I'm talking about all the old threads that are popping up daily for no reason. It's cluttered enough without these threads. If we're to participate in threads...
Gall bladder liver disease & treAtment
What is your experience w/ denaMarin for liver? My 13 yr old sheltie has gall bladder disease which has seriously affected his liver & now other organs. He is throwing up his L/D please help!
Terms of Service & Soliciting for Money
What is it with all the people coming here to beg for money? I understand emergencies, but that was not what this forum was originally set up for. Does anyone moderate these posts anymore? I can't even open the Terms of Service. I can see why so many old-timers have left, between the horrible format...
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Mast cell tumor on eye lid
New to this site. I hope u can help. I have a 10 yr old lab... Calvin, he had. MCT removed from his eye lid last year and the area still swells up and gets red. I feel so bad for him! I heat uo chamomile tea bags and put them against the area and it helps a bit. Any one have any other ideas. Please share...
The People Behind the Posts!
I am Kaitlin and I am the social girl at! During my time with I have learned so much about how to properly care for and train my dog! I am here to share fun pictures and inspiring stories I find around the web . I love taking long walks with my dog Harley Quinn and rolling around with...
Who is Michele68? - Get to know the Community Managers
I'm Michele, and I feel very blessed that my job combines all of my passions—design, dogs and people! I design catalogs and graphics for our dog and horse communities. I also train dogs and have fostered dogs for the past 14 years. My favorite thing to do is connect and share with our community...
Terms of Service
I have tried to click on "Terms", but am seeing a message that the page cannot be found. The reason I was looking for the terms of service is because we have yet another poster who seems to be selling something. It is at least implied. Have the rules about that changed? Tina
The new the testing is almost over
Since mid August, we’ve been testing a radically different approach to an online forum. We know we’ve caused you all some frustration and maybe asked a little much of you in terms of a learning curve. With your help and constant feedback, we’ve been able to refine the approach to the...
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Multi-state dog fighting raid rescues hundreds of dogs
In this Aug. 23, 2013, photo provided by the ASPCA, puppies are carried by an official at a home in Auburn, Ala. By Karen Brooks, The Associated Press AUSTIN, Texas — Some 367 pit bulls, many scarred and emaciated, have been rescued and a dozen people across the southeastern United States...
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